Witnessing the War in Ukraine: Vectors of Reflection, Practices of Documentation
Witnessing the War in Ukraine:
Vectors of Reflection, Practices of Documentation
Summer Institute
12-16 June, 2023 - Krakow, Poland
In response to the unfolding humanitarian trauma caused by the Russian full scale invasion of Ukraine launched on 24 February 2022, researchers in humanities and social sciences have stepped forward and engaged in active collection of evidence and testimonies. The war in Ukraine is so far the most well-documented modern military conflict, which poses a range of questions and challenges. What are the ethical implications of this ‘rapid scholarly response’ to the war? How do researchers conceive of and partake in fieldwork in these times? What does witnessing imply under current circumstances? How has witnessing been facilitated, framed, instrumentalized and reflected upon on various scales and in different contexts?We see it as our professional and ethical obligation to continue the initiative we introduced last year to further facilitate the exchange of the academic expertise in oral history, ethnography, interview research and research of witness literature, and share knowledge with a broad and evolving community of practitioners working in various local settings.
WWSI 2023 will build on the success of the previous Summer Institute and will expand its focus to allow war testimony documentarians—scholars and community-based researchers, oral historians and journalists, writers and performers—to reflect on their work. The goal of our second institute is to formulate key conceptual issues concerning the praxis and ethics of wartime research, as well as create a new transnational research network connecting researchers, activists and creative individuals involved in the collection of testimonies of the war.
Over the course of five days, invited presenters and participants will engage in a series of presentations and workshops examining current trends in scholarly and creative reflections on witnessing the war in Ukraine. Invited speakers and faculty will lead such discussions focusing on witnessing the war and reflecting on its impact via various media, scholarly and creative practices, including film, theater, journalism, ethnography and autoethnography, oral history and storytelling. Invited participants will be offered opportunities to discuss their work with other members of the institute.
Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, Canada
Lund University, Sweden
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Sweden
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Warsaw, Poland
Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Dobra Wola Foundation, Poland
Ukrainian Oral History Association, Ukraine
Polish Oral History Association, Poland
This is an in-person event
Location details
Address: Villa Decius Association, 28 Lipca 1943, Kraków, Poland
WWSI 2023 Registration
Lunch Break
Opening Remarks
Welcome messages from the WWSI 2023 Organizing Committee:
Eleonora Narvselius, Lund University, Sweden
Natalia Khanenko-Friesen, University of Alberta, Canada
Grażyna Kubica-Heller, Jagiellonian University, Poland
Alina Doboszewska, Dobra Wola Foundation, Poland
Marcin Jarząbek, Polish Oral History Assoсiation, Poland
Kateryna Bilotserkovets, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Ukraine
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Screening Iryna Tsilyk's film "Earth Blue As an Orange"
The film is about single mother Anna and her four children who live in the front-line war zone of Donbas, Ukraine. While the outside world is made up of bombings and chaos, the family is managing to keep their home as a safe haven, full of life and full of light. Every member of the family has a passion for cinema, motivating them to shoot a film inspired by their own life during a time of war.
Moderator: Eleonora Narvselius
Discussion with Iryna Tsilyk "What documentary films do in the wartime"
I’m a Ukrainian film director and I make fiction and documentary films. Over the years of Russia’s war against Ukraine, various metamorphoses had happened to Ukrainian cinema. All its types and genres use different tools to somehow deal with reflecting on this new reality. But as to my opinion, documentary filmmaking has its special moment, therefore let’s talk about its role, advantages and methods today.
What power nonfiction filmmaking has in the times of war? Which instruments does it use? What is the role of the author’s view and what do we mean by truth in documentary films? What ethical challenges do we have working with the characters of our films? How documentary filmmaking could be useful for the fight for human and civil rights, as well as cultural diplomacy? These are often debatable questions that do not have simple answers. But the constant search is also an important process in the formation of today's cinema.
I’d like to reflect on these and other questions using examples from my own work on films “The Earth Is Blue As an Orange”, "Invisible Battalion” and the one I’m working on now. Q&A will be also an important part of my presentation, since I believe in dialogues and I feel open to your questions.
Speaker: Iryna Tsilyk
Moderator: Eleonora Narvselius
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Welcome Dinner
Coffee Time
Andrii Bondarenko's reading and discussion
Andrii Bondarenko will present his plays "Peace and tranquility" and "Squirrel Man" in the reading format.
"Peace and tranquility"
An original essay drama written two weeks after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This drama tells about the life of the playwright Andrii Bondarenko in Ukraine: the peace and tranquility of his childhood, cemented by historical traumas, revolutions and war. Through the story of his grandmother, mother and sister, as well as his own biography, the playwright vividly reproduces the joys and sorrows of life in Ukraine and the old and bloody shadow that Russia cast and cast over this life.
"Squirrel Man"
Brief sketches of absurd life in anticipation of the Russian occupation in Lviv in the spring of 2022. The third month after the full-scale invasion of the Russians - is it time to eat the potatoes bought at the end of February? How to play the game with Russian missiles? Why do marksmen not say goodbye and why did the infantry kill the beaver? Who are the guardians of space?
Speaker: Andrii Bondarenko
Moderator: Marcin Jarząbek
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Documentations’ possible futures: On long-lasting outcomes of rapid responses
The Russian full-scale invasion after February 24th, 2022, is one of the most documented wars in contemporary history. One of the first reactions of the Ukrainian academic community and activists was to start different types of archiving – from writing diaries and collecting memes to conducting interviews and documenting war crimes. All these initiatives are future-oriented – they seek to preserve the present moment for community building, establishing justice, conducting analytical research. How can academics and activists practice emergency archiving of war experiences in the situation of protracted uncertainty? How can we train our imagination about possible outcomes of our rapid responses to the unfolding violence? Natalia will engage the group into collective thinking about various outcomes of documentation initiatives aiming to collect the stories of Ukrainian refugees, IDPs, and volunteers. She will relate to the experience of the international documentation initiative “24/02/22, 5 am”.
Speaker: Natalia Otrishchenko
Moderator: Alina Doboszewska
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Lunch Break
Home-making in displacement among Ukrainians in Poland and Canada after February 2022: collective memories, historical narratives, transnational heritage (a tentative research agenda)
Our presentation takes its vantage point in the idea that the unprecedented geopolitical circumstances of the ongoing displacement of Ukrainians have to be reflected in a corresponding theoretical optics and conceptual approaches. EU’s protection mechanism activated in the wake of Russia’s aggression in February 2022 has a temporary character. It aims to both facilitate sustenance and accommodation of Ukrainians, absolute majority of them women and children, and at the same time envisions their quick return with the end of the war. In this situation the question of migrant integration as a long-term and more or less fixed state of belonging has to be considered against the possibility of home-making as a process of creating a safe, familiar and controllable gendered space that does not need to be permanent, but nevertheless should not look like “stuckness” against one’s wishes. Even in the situation of great uncertainty it is necessary to think about the material, but also psychological well-being of the affected Ukrainians and people around them.
In-depth and multi-perspectival explorations of the ways in which Ukrainians in Poland and Canada perceive and make home will allow us to juxtapose predominantly nation-state-centric approaches to home-making with more fluid understandings of home underpinned by multidirectional loyalties and trajectories of contemporary migrants that are in turn informed by the past. We want to shift the focus on migrant homes and home-making as cultural phenomena in their own right fueled by “trails of collective memory about another place and time” (Appadurai and Breckenridge 1989: i). Our exploration of personal and collective memories of home among the Ukrainian refugees as well as their ‘homing’ in the new environments, where some shared pasts, recognizable historical triggers and (post)colonial histories may be decoded and interpreted, will enrich the studies of home-making with the manifested focus on the right of historicity. Also, our analysis of sedimented discourses of home-making is informed by the interest in examining practice-oriented solutions that may advance social cohesion, solidarity practices, migrant incorporation and recognition of diversity in Europe and Canada.
Speakers: Natalia Khanenko-Friesen, Eleonora Narvselius
Moderator: Grażyna Kubica-Heller
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Villa Decius Tour
Testimony and Trauma in Ukrainian Theatre and Literature after Euromaidan 2014. Ethical and Aesthetic Challenges
Witness art is an innovative interdisciplinary field, involved in the practical investigation of testimony, trauma, social change, and political activism. The uses of lived experiences in artistic practices engage with and/or challenge methods elaborated in disciplines such as psychology, documentary art, sociology, historiography, ethnology, jurisprudence. In Ukraine, witness theater became a widespread practice with the 2014 Euromaidan revolution and beginning of war in Eastern Ukraine. Maidan activists, war veterans, and internally displaced people were sharing on stage their stories of struggle, despair and hope in the face of Russia’s unprecedentedly cruel war against Ukraine. We will discuss the ethically challenging questions raised when first-hand accounts of (often) traumatic experiences are mediated first-hand or second-hand on stage, but also the possible therapeutic and empowering effects of witness theatre, as well as its political and social impact, where witnesses of historical events claim on stage their historical subjectivity, which was oppressed during centuries of political persecutions by the Russian Empire and Soviet Union. We will also discuss Ukrainian war poetry and the question of testimonial address – a lyrical “I” addressing a broader “we” – in relation to processes of translation and mediation, in this case the interaction between author, intermediator and reader. What happens when poetical testimonies are transferred from inside the zone of trauma to the outside of it? In other words: if a central question is to whom the testimony is addressed, then what happens when you, in the process of translation, exchanges one addressee with another? Conceptual frameworks of specific relevance for our discussion are: the epistemological significance of the place (“having been present”); the sense-perceptual dimension of presence; witnessing in relation to theoretical-constative certitude; utterances “that do not simply report facts,” but create a “testimonial project of address” (Felman & Laub 1992, 7, 39).
Speakers: Johanna Lindbladh, Mikael Nydahl, Ielizaveta Oliinyk
Moderator: Eleonora Narvselius
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Coffee Time
Screening Natalia Vorozhbyt's film "Bad Roads"
Four short stories are set along the roads of Donbas, Ukraine during the war. There are no safe spaces and no one can make sense of just what is going on. Even as they are trapped in the chaos, some manage to wield authority over others. But in this world, where tomorrow may never come, not everyone is defenseless and miserable - and even the most innocent victims may have their turn at taking charge.
Moderator: Ielizaveta Oliinyk
Discussion with Natalia Vorozhbyt
The author will tell about the experience of working with documentary theater, about the path from the first interviews to documentary performances, then to writing a play and creating a film. Natalia Vorozhbyt will focus on how the strong potential of the material collected in the first years of the war allows it to be comprehensively covered, how personal experience can be transformed into a universal one, and will also highlight the technical and ethical issues of such work.
Speaker: Natalia Vorozhbyt
Moderator: Ielizaveta Oliinyk
Translation of the session from Ukrainian to English will be provided
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Group photo on Villa Decius stairs
Lunch Break
Recording Testimonies from the War – Methodological, Ethical, and Legal Solutions
The two lecturers of this seminar will discuss their participation in the project "24.02.2022, 5 am: Testimonies from the War" (https://swiadectwawojny2022.org/en/), implemented at the Institute of the Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences since March 2022. Being part of a broader international academic cooperation (between Ukraine, Luxembourg, German,y and the United Kingdom), our project aims to document the Ukrainian experience of war, flight, and refuge after Russia's full-scale invasion. As of May 2023, the Polish team gathered more than 175 interviews (totaling ca 450 hours of audio recording). Planning and implementing this project demanded extensive preparations in the field of methodology, ethics, and legal and data protection. As the documenting phase of the project is close to ending and we are now starting the editing and archiving, we will be happy to discuss the solutions and tools we developed. In particular, we will invite the participants to get familiar (in advance) with our working documents (in Ukrainian and Russian): questionnaire, guidelines for the interviewers, informed consent, and ethical guidelines.
Speakers: Anna Wylegała, Marcin Jarząbek
Moderator: Natalia Khanenko-Friesen
Project Discussions
In this session WWSI 2023 selected participants will present their research projects with the discussion to follow.
Moderator: Gelinada Grinchenko
Coffee Time
Living in, writing out: is it possible to write about the war while living in the midst of the war? Fictional aspects of actual lives against Ukraine-Russia war background
A year ago, many of us tempted to transform the war in a sort of creative product. To write and film it as if the war is over, to reflect on dramatic experience and make assumptions on future developments. Many journalists, publishers, moderators etc. focused on post-apocalyptic reconstructions, suggested possible options for the post-war modernity. I personally participated in a number of discussions of our future coexistence with Russians; many stakeholders asked about possible counteraction and cooperation of the neighboring states in the future, after the war is over.
Unfortunately, for many of us, the postwar - or rather the post-victory - world would remain a distant mirage, an unattainable dream. Under tremendous pressure, we have learned to live in here and now, and these dramatic events have shifted optics of many Ukrainians. We do realize that our realty is somewhat unique for modern Europe. We see how the creative search for new forms and genres to adequately reproduce this experience is developing in real time. We have established some inner criteria to determine when and how to write and talk about the war. In Ukraine, we have already had several cases when creative projects were withdrawn from production due to fierce criticism by ordinary Ukrainians - simply because they did not pass that internal eligibility test.
Speaker: Tamara Duda
Moderator: Alina Doboszewska
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Documenting the Genocide: The Experience of Investigating War Crimes in Bucha, Irpin, and Okhtyrka
Occupation, mass killings, captivity and torture are those things which Ukrainians faced after the beginning of the Russian invasion. The researchers were faced with a difficult dilemma: to record the story "on the hot tracks" or to wait until the wounds heal?
We will consider this problem using the example of research experience in three cities: Bucha (which was completely under occupation), Irpin (partially under occupation) and Okhtyrka (was not under occupation, but the city suffered from hostilities). We will consider the main sources of information for research, methods of searching speakers, and their verification. This talk is also dedicated to the ethical standards during interviewing, "red lines" for the researcher and how to prevent retraumatization of the witness during work. An important aspect of our conversation will be the discussion about how to represent the experience of witnesses of genocide in the context of an ongoing war. Finally, we will consider the question of the researcher's psychological stability when working with complicated topics and ways of self-help.
Speaker: Yevhenia Podobna
Moderator: Natalia Khanenko-Friesen
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Lunch Break
Oral history films as ethnographic films
The format of oral history films had been worked out during the project: "The railway station Krasne-Busk. Stories of displaced women" carried out in Ukraine in 2012. The theoretical and methodological framework of this project was the feminist perspective and the concept of oral history. We wanted to give a voice to women who were the main subject of post IIWW political decisions on expulsions and who were burdened by their tragic consequences. In the film itself, this meant that we did not use film "embellishments": shots of landscapes, etc. We intentionally resigned from the film language of a documentary filmmaker in order to focus only on the statements of our interlocutors. It wasn't actually intended to be a cinematic work, but rather a filmed polyphonic narrative. The term "oral history film" we coined denotes this meaning well.
Speaker: Grażyna Kubica-Heller
Moderator: Marcin Jarząbek
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And the War Came to Us
Screening of the documentary film 'And the War Came to Us' made in 2021 on the basis of oral history interviews, using authentic materials from the front line. It shows the beginnings of the Russian-Ukrainian war from the point of view of the widows of soldiers, combined with the stories of an eyewitness − a participant of the war. The stories told by: widows of soldiers from Zhytomyr: Alyona Zalizko, Natalia Yevpak, Svetlana Khodorowska and a volunteer soldier of the 8th separate regiment special purpose Andriy Sydorenko ps. "Coin". Script and editing Krzysztof Krzyżanowski, realization Alina Doboszewska. A discussion of oral history films is scheduled after the screening.
Speakers: Alina Doboszewska, Krzysztof Krzyżanowski
Moderator: Grażyna Kubica-Heller
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From War Testimony to Archives: Reflection on Documentation, Preservation and Interpretation
This session refocuses our attention from the collection of personal testimonies and their immediate circulation and uptake in media, creative fields and public discourses to their ‘archival’ after-life. What role do archiving and archives play in securing witness accounts of past trauma and injustices for future research? What role do archivists and archives play in the formation and maintenance of society’s collective memory of its past? How do politics and policies inform archiving and how do archives inform politics and policies? Join us for an insightful conversation about past, current and potential future practices and implications of archival work in Ukraine, across historic conjunctures and political systems that dominated its history in 20 and 21 centuries. Director of the Sectoral State Archive of the Ukrainian Security Service Andriy Kohut will address these and other questions in conversation with the Institute conveners Gelinada Grinchenko and Natalia Khanenko-Friesen.
Speaker: Andriy Kohut
Moderator: Gelinada Grinchenko, Natalia Khanenko-Friesen
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Break/Commute to the city
Dinner in the city
Grodzka 40, 31-044 Kraków, Poland
Coffee Time
To have a pulse and a heartbeat - a project to document the experience of Jewish refugees from Ukraine as a part of the oral history program of the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
In the first part of my presentation, I will analyze the way in which the project of documenting the individual experiences of the war in Ukraine and the humanitarian crisis in Poland that it triggered, has forced changes in the methodology of the POLIN Museum's oral history program, which until now has been based primarily on accounts of past events – and less often focused on the present. I will also point out the role that the collected interviews can play in understanding and creating new interpretive frames for the Museum's existing oral history collection, and more broadly, how the ongoing project fits into the vision and mission of this institution – a museum focused primarily on the history and heritage of Polish Jews. In the second part of the speech, I will synthetically outline the various phases in the implementation of the project, the basic methodological assumptions, and inspirations as well as the specifics of the group being documented: Jewish refugees from Ukraine and aid-providers in Poland.
Speaker: Józef Markiewicz
Moderator: Marcin Jarząbek
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On Kharkiv and Ourselves: the City's Fates and Experiences in Oral Histories of Its Inhabitants
The presentation and discussion of the film about the Nazi occupation of Kharkiv in 1941-1943, based on the oral histories of the city's residents who lived through the occupation as young children. The film consists of four parts in which Kharkiv residents recall the beginning of the war and the arrival of the Nazis to the city, the Holocaust, everyday life in occupied Kharkiv, the liberation of the city from the Nazis, and the end of the war.
Speaker: Gelinada Grinchenko
Moderator: Natalia Khanenko-Friesen
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Lunch Break
Commute to Jagiellonian University
Project Discussions
In this session WWSI 2023 selected participants will present their research projects with the discussion to follow.
Moderator: Alina Doboszewska
Concluding Remarks
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Dinner in the city
Grodzka 40, 31-044 Kraków, Poland
Ibis Krakow Centrum
ibis Kraków Centrum, Władysława Syrokomli 2, Kraków, Poland
Ibis Krakow Centrum is a great hotel in the centre of Krakow. It is next to the Poland boulevards with convenient access to Wawel Castle, Old Town and Kazimierz Jewish quarter. The hotel location offers easy access to the airport and other important places in Krakow.
Check-in from 16-00, check-out up to 12-00
Preview Document
Andrii Bondarenko
Playwright, culturologist, journalist
Andrii Bondarenko is a playwright, culturologist, journalist, currently working as a dramaturg at the Lviv Puppet Theatre. He has PhD degree in Philosophy. Many of his plays and documentary texts are dealing with the experience of living in the war-torn country and/or being a displaced person. Among the latest stagings of his texts are “What one can hear in the darkness” at the neue Buhne Theatre in Senftenberg, Germany (2023), “The Rag, or One Evening in a Bomb Shelter” at Lviv Puppet Theatre in Lviv, Ukraine (2022), “Fox Dark as Light Night” at Barons Court Theatre in London, Great Britain (2022), “Lviv Tango” at Maria Zankovetska Theatre in Lviv, Ukraine (2022). His texts were published in several anthologies: “A Dictionary of Emotions in a Time of War: 20 Short Texts by Ukrainian Playwrights”, (Laertes, USA, 2022); “Ukrainian anthology” of Belgian magazine L'Arbre-à-Palabres, 2022; “Anthology 24”, (Ukraine, 2022). Andrii Bondarenko is a co-founder of Theatre of Playwrights in Kyiv and founder of “Fly and Stone” Theatre in Lviv.
Alina Doboszewska
Researcher, Jagiellonian University
Alina Doboszewska is a researcher at the Institute of Sociology of the Jagiellonian University, NGO activist: founder and president of the Dobra Wola Foundation in Krakow, member of the Polish Oral History Association and Memory Studies Association. She has completed several oral history projects in Poland, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Sweden, and 11 documentary films based on biographical interviews. Her research interests include practical aspects of oral history methodology, forced resettlement after World War II, everyday life in Stalinist times and the movement of Ukrainian dissidents in the 1960−1980s.
Tamara Duda (Horikha Zernya)
Journalist, writer and translator
Tamara Duda (pen name Horikha Zernya, “Nut Core”), Ukrainian, resides in Kyiv. Journalist, writer and translator. From 2014 to 2016, Tamara Duda was an active front-line volunteer. Together with their partner and then husband Svyatoslav Boyko, they actively raised funds, purchased military stuff, uniforms, equipment and delivered to the front line. In just two years, more than 50 missions to the anti-terrorist operation zone were completed. In 2016, after the birth of her youngest son, Tamara focused on another project, writing a thriller book about the war in the East, aimed at a wider audience. Her debut novel Daughter got the BBC Book of the Year 2019 Award, was ranked among 30 Iconic Books of our Independence and finally got Taras Shevchenko National Prize of Ukraine in 2022. The second novel of Tamara Duda, Principle of Interference, was published in 2021 got very favorable feedback from readers and critics.
Gelinada Grinchenko
Professor, V. N. Karazin National University, and Scholar at Risk, University of Wuppertal
Gelinada Grinchenko is a Professor of History at the Department of Ukrainian Studies (Faculty of Philosophy, V. N. Karazin National University, Kharkiv, Ukraine) and Scholar at Risk (Philipp Schwartz-Initiative) at University of Wuppertal, Germany; Co-Head of the German-Ukrainian Historians Commission; Editor-in-Chief of the Ukrainian based academic peer-reviewed journal Ukraina Moderna; Head of the Ukrainian Oral History Association. Her main areas of interest are oral history, the history and memory of WWII, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Memory Studies. She has edited several books and journals, and published many chapters and peer-reviewed articles on these issues. Her latest edited volume is: Listening, Hearing, Understanding: an Oral History of Ukraine in Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries (in Ukrainian), ART-KNYHA, Kyiv, 2021.
Marcin Jarząbek
Assistant Professor, Jagiellonian University
Marcin Jarząbek is an assistant professor at the Department of Historical Anthropology and History Theory at the Institute of History of the Jagiellonian University. He holds a PhD in history from the Jagiellonian University and MA in Central European History from the Central European University in Budapest. He is interested in modern Central Europe's social and cultural history, oral history, memory studies, and the history of concepts. His research focuses on oral history, the collective memory of the First World War veterans and the social history of the railway. He is the author of the book "Legioniści i inni. Pamięć zbiorowa weteranów I wojny światowej w Polsce i Czechosłowacji okresu międzywojennego" [The Legionnaries and the Others. The collective memory of the First World Veterans in interwar Poland and Czechoslovakia] (Kraków 2017). Treasurer of the Polish Oral History Association.
Natalia Khanenko-Friesen
Director, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta
Natalia Khanenko-Friesen is an oral historian and cultural anthropologist currently serving in the roles of the director of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies and Huculak Chair in Ukrainian Culture and Ethnography, both in the Faculty of Arts, University of Alberta, Canada. Her research interests include oral history, vernacular culture, diasporic and ethnic identities, labor migration, and immigrant letter writing. She authored or (co)edited the following books monographs, "Ukrainian Otherlands: Diaspora, Homeland and Folk Imagination in the 20th Century (U of Wisconsin Press, 2015); "The other world, or ethnicity in action: Canadian Ukrainianness at the end of the 20th century" (Smoloskyp Press, 2011); "Orality and Literacy: Reflections Across Disciplines" (U of Toronto Press, 2011) and "Reclaiming the Personal: Oral History in Post-Socialist Europe" (U of Toronto Press, 2015). Dr. Khanenko-Friesen is the founding editor of Canada's scholarly journal Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching and Learning. Her current book project has the working title “Decollectivized: The Last Generation of Soviet Farmers Speak Out." Since February 24, 2022, she coordinates a number of scholarly initiatives focusing on war testimony research, including hosting the summer oral history institute "Witnessing the War in Ukraine," Krakow, Poland.
Andriy Kohut
Director, Sectoral State Archive of the Ukrainian Security Service
Dr. Andriy Kohut is a Director of the Sectoral State Archive of the Ukrainian Security Service. The Archive stores the largest collection of declassified KGB files. He received his Ph.D. in History from the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, and his M.A. in History from Ivan Franko Lviv National University. He had to suspend his 2021-2022 Fulbright Fellowship at Stanford University. His academic and professional interests cover various topics related to Soviet deportations, communist secret services history, memory politics, and cultural diplomacy.
Krzysztof Krzyżanowski
Filmmaker, Film Agency HAF
Krzysztof Krzyżanowski is an independent filmmaker, Film Agency HAF. He graduated in history at the Jagiellonian University, later held various jobs at TVP for more than 35 years: sound engineer, cameraman, editing director, and reporter. He was also an editor, publicist and publisher of the regional program of TVP Krakow. Krzysztof is the author of more than 300 reportages and documentaries on social, historical, ethnographic topics, as well as programs dealing with multiculturalism and ethnic minority issues. He edited and was the author of the TVP series: “At Home”, “Ethnic Climates”, as well as programs about Poland’s eastern neighbors − Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania: “Neighbors”, “Eastern Magazine”, “Borderlands Talks”, “Magazine from Poland and Ukraine”. Winner of many film awards. From 1986 to 2013, he gave lectures and classes on the language of film and film forms at the Stage Design Studio of the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, as well as film and television workshops at the Cracow Journalism School PRESS.
Grażyna Kubica-Heller
Professor, Jagiellonian University
Grażyna Kubica-Heller is a Professor of Social Science in the Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow. One of her research areas is the history of social anthropology. She coedited the volume Malinowski - Between Two Worlds (Cambridge Univ. Press, 1988). She authored the introduction and annotations of the full version of Malinowski's diaries in their original language (2002). Kubica has recently published an anthropological biography of another Polish-British anthropologist: Maria Czaplicka: Gender, Shamanism, Race (Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology Series, Univ. of Nebraska Press 2020). At present, she is carrying out a project "'Written with the other hand' - literary ethnographic writing and its Polish specificity". Another research area is connected with her fieldwork, historical research and autoethnography in Polish Teschen Silesia, her home region. Her last book is in German (written with Ulrich Kasten): Das „Männerlager“ im Frauen-KZ Ravensbrück, sowie Lagerbriefe und die Biografie des Häftlings Janek Błaszczyk (Furstenberg 2021). She teaches biographical method and oral history and has been also involved in women's oral history projects in Ukraine and Teschen Silesia, and co-authored documentary films: "Railway Station Krasne-Busk. Stories of resettled women," 2012; “Lives in the Shadow of a Border,” 2016, 2017.
Johanna Lindbladh
Associate Professor, Lund University
Johanna Lindbladh is Associate Professor of Slavic Languages at Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University, Sweden. Her current research interests include contemporary literature and witness art (literature, theatre, film) in Eastern Europe, trauma studies, post-socialist memory processes, critical theory and narrative hermeneutics. She has completed a research project financed by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) on the memory of Chornobyl in Soviet and post-Soviet literature and cinema. Her current publications include “Näher am Trauma: Aleksievics ‘letzte Zeugen’ im Vergleich” (2018) and “The Polyphonic Performance of Testimony in Svetlana Aleksievich’s Voices from Utopia” (2017). She is the editor of The Poetics of Memory in Post-Totalitarian Narration (2008) and co-editor of Witnessing in Art: Documentary Literature, Film and Theatre in Eastern Europe and the Baltics (Vienna: CEU Press, forthcoming, 2024). She has developed courses in Ukrainian literature, film and drama (Lund university), organized and moderated literary evenings on Ukrainian witness art (Lund Literary Society) and has published more than 20 reviews and articles relating to culture, literature, film and theatre in Swedish nationwide newspapers.
Józef Markiewicz
Senior Oral History Specialist, POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Józef Markiewicz is an anthropologist and museologist, currently works as a Senior Oral History Specialist at the POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw, where he supervises the implementation of research projects documenting the fate of Polish Jews from an individual perspective. A graduate of the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Warsaw, he also studied at the Department of Ukrainian Philology at the University of Warsaw; has experience in ethnographic field research in the Lviv region and the Polish-Ukrainian borderland (transnational labor migrations in the context of national-state identity discourse; economic, cultural, and symbolic aspects of the Polish-Ukrainian border, social memory). Participant and coordinator of research projects based on oral history method on Eastern borderlands of European Union: Ukraine, Moldova, Russian Federation (e. g “White Karelian remembrance about postwar climate changes”, “Jewish and Roma memory of Transnistria”). Currently he is coordinating a visual ethnography project, documenting the last direct witnesses of the Warsaw Ghetto. Starting from May 2022, he is overseeing the development of the conceptual and documentary work of an oral history project based on personal narratives of Jewish refugees from Ukraine, as well aid-providers in Poland within POLIN Museum oral history program.
Eleonora Narvselius
Associate Professor, Lund University
Eleonora Narvselius is anthropologist from Lund University, Sweden. Her research interests comprise Ukrainian memory culture, narrative analysis, ethnicity, and nationalism. In the course of her academic career, she has participated in several international research projects focusing on urban environment, memory cultures and cultural heritage of East-Central European borderlands. Among her core publications is Ukrainian Intelligentsia in Post-Soviet L’viv: Narratives, Identity and Power (Lexington Books, 2012).
Mikael Nydahl
Literary translator, publisher and founder of Ariel förlag, Sweden
Mikael Nydahl, literary translator, publisher and founder of Ariel förlag, Sweden, 2020–2021 teacher in literary translation from Russian at HDK-Valand Academy of Art and Design at the University of Gothenburg. Interested in translation and publication as forms of activism and practical solidarity. Co-editor and co-translator of the literary anthologies ”Ett år i Belarus. Röster inifrån en folkresning” (”One Year in Belarus. Voices from the Inside of an Uprising”, Atlas förlag), published in August 2021 and ”Under Ukrainas öppna himmel. Röster ur ett krig” (”Under the Open Sky of Ukraine. Voices from a War”, Ariel förlag) in August 2022. Co-initiator of the project ”Ukraina berättar” (”Ukraine Speaks”), running since the summer of 2022, a combined residency and translations programme, offering Ukrainian playwrights residencies at Rikstolvan in the south of Sweden and commissioning translations of contemporary Ukrainian drama into Swedish.
Ielizaveta Oliinyk
PhD student, Mozarteum University and University of Salzburg
Ielizaveta Oliinyk is a PhD student at the doctoral college of the Mozarteum University and University of Salzburg. She has studied journalism and theatre studies in Ukraine and Germany and worked as a journalist for Ukrainian media outlets and in the non-profit sector. She has worked as an intern at German theaters. In Ukraine, she has directed documentary theatre productions, some of which involved collaboration with internally displaced people and a soldier who served as a paramedic in the war zone in Eastern Ukraine. She has also directed several cinema projects. Research areas of interest: documentary theater, documentary theater and cultural trauma, avantgarde theater. Her latest publications are: Politische Krisen und Transformationen des Dokumentartheaters in Zeiten des Umbruchs in Martina Fladerer / Gwendolin Lehnerer (Ed.): “Welten im Wandel. Jenseits von Wissenschaften & Künsten” (2022) and in co-authorship with Molly Flynn “Ukrainian documentary theater in the context of war” (to be published soon; editors: Johanna Lindbladh and Anja Tippner).
Natalia Otrishchenko
Research fellow, Center for Urban History
Natalia Otrishchenko is a sociologist and research fellow at the Center for Urban History in Lviv. She holds a Ph.D. in sociology with a focus on methodology and methods of sociological research from the Institute of Sociology at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 2019-22, Natalia was an associated researcher at the Center for Contemporary History in Potsdam; in 2022-23, she was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the Department of Sociology, Columbia University. Since March 2022, she has led the Ukrainian team within the "24/02/22, 5 am" documentation initiative. Her research interests include qualitative methods, oral history, memory studies, urban sociology, and sociology of expertise.
Yevheniia Podobna
Journalist, documentarian, writer and scholar
Yevheniia Podobna is Ukrainian journalist, documentarian, writer and scholar, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications, chief editor of the Public Broadcast Company of Ukraine documentary group, lecturer at the Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University. In addition to journalistic work, in different years she worked on collecting memories of prisoners of Nazi concentration camps (Auschwitz and Dachau, 2012), witnesses of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, and resettled residents of the exclusion zone (2016-2018, 2021). Since 2014, she has been working with the topic of the war in Ukraine, from 2015 to 2018 – with war correspondent on the front line. Since 2019, she has been working in military documentaries and journalism. Yevheniia Podobna is the author of four books and 8 documentaries. Books: "Girls Cut Braids" (2018, a collection of stories of military women), "Fierce February 2022" (a collection of testimonies about the first days of the full-scale invasion), "Cities of the Living, Cities of the Dead" (2022, stories and reports from the war in Bucha and Irpin). After the full-scale invasion, she focuses on recording stories, memories and testimonies, works on memorial website-archive of the war in Bucha and Irpin and book of stories about the war experience of Ukrainian women. During 2023, she shot two documentaries: "Visible Enemy" (memoirs of the Russian occupation of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone) and "Hostomel. The first battle" (about the failure of the assault on the Antonov airfield in Gostomel on February 24, 2022, which broke the Russian plan to attack Kyiv).
Iryna Tsilyk
Filmmaker and writer
Iryna Tsilyk is a Ukrainian filmmaker and writer, based in Kyiv. She is the director of the award-winning documentary film The Earth Is Blue As an Orange, which won the “Directing Award” at the Sundance Film Festival 2020, as well as numerous other honors. Also, Tsilyk is known for her fiction film Rock. Paper. Grenade based on the novel Who Are You? by Ukrainian writer, and Iryna’s husband, Artem Chekh. Moreover, Iryna Tsilyk is the author of 8 books (poetry, prose, children’s books) published in Ukraine. Many of her poems, short stories and essays have been translated into multiple languages and presented in different international publications, literary festivals and events. Over the years of Russia’s war in Ukraine, Iryna has taken part in various literary readings, documentary shootings, tutoring for children, etc. in the war zone. Iryna’s recent writing and films mostly reflect on different angles of these experiences.
Natalia Vorozhbyt
Dramatist, screenwriter and director
Natalia Vorozhbyt is Ukrainian dramatist, screenwriter and director. She is co-founder of the Topical Play Week and the Theatre of the Displaced in Kyiv, co-author of the Maidan Diaries documentary, supervisor of the Class Act: East-West – social and theatre project, etc. Most of these projects involve interaction with the people who have been going though the war in the East of Ukraine. Natalia is an author of about two dozen plays which have been staged all over the world. She is author of the script for the film “Cyborgs” (2017), director of the film “Bad Roads” (2020). Holder of the national Shevchenko award (2022) for the play “Bad Roads”, and the Dovzhenko national award for contribution to the art of cinema (2021).
Anna Wylegała
Assistant Professor, Polish Academy of Sciences
Anna Wylegała is Ph.D. in sociology, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw (Poland). She is a leader of the project "24/02/22, 5 am" in Poland. Recent publications: "Entangled Bystanders: Multidimensional Trauma of Ethnic Cleansing and Mass Violence in Eastern Galicia", in: Kivimäki V., Leese P. (eds), Trauma, Experience and Narrative in Europe after World War II (2022), Był dwór, nie ma dworu. Reforma rolna w Polsce (2021), "The Void Communities: Towards a New Approach to the Early Post-war in Poland and Ukraine", East European Politics and Societies 35, no. 2: 407–36. Academic interests include biographical and collective memory, oral history methodology, Holocaust studies, Ukrainian studies.