Thinking Qualitatively: Doing Intersectionality (TQ:DI)

Mon, Jun 19, 2023 - Wed, Jun 21, 2023

The International Institute for Qualitative Methodology (IIQM) and the Intersections of Gender Signature Area at the University of Alberta are pleased to present Thinking Qualitatively: Doing Intersectionality (TQ:DI) - the 21st annual Thinking Qualitatively conference. We are online this year.

Are you here to register for just the free online public keynote series, Doing Intersectionality in Health Research? Click Here to Register for the Public Keynote Series or scroll down to the Keynote section for more information, and see the "Click Here to Register for the Public Keynote Series" button. All Keynote sessions will be recorded.

The full three-day TQ:DI event offers virtual webinars, interactive workshops, and networking activities for graduate students, early career scholars, and community practitioners from around the world who want to build knowledge and skill in intersectional qualitative research. It includes a stream of workshops, a mentoring opportunity, and a public keynote series designed especially for health researchers. All TQ:DI participants will:

·     Build skills and concepts that push the boundaries of qualitative research.

·     Get new insights on intersectionality as a generative lens and praxis.

·     Learn about creative approaches to inclusive qualitative research for more equitable health outcomes.

·     Become part of an interdisciplinary community of practice.

·     Connect with inspiring peers, researchers, and mentors.

·     Receive recognition of attendance through a Digital Badge (certificate).

To register for the full three-day TQ:DI event, please first familiarize yourself with all of the information below (Description, Agenda, etc.), then start your registration by entering your name and email and clicking "Register." Registration for the workshops is now closed. Feel free to register for our public keynote sessions. Note that confirmed participants can apply to participate in a Mentoring Circle (health-related research).

TQ:DI seeks to bring diverse scholarly voices into conversation, prioritize participants from equity-deserving groups, and equip the next generation of qualitative researchers with transformative tools to support social change. Email us any time with questions:

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Registration has closed for this event. Please contact the event planner for more information.

Keynote Series - Doing Intersectionality in Health Research

Description - Full TQ:DI Event

Intersectionality is a critical social theory that emphasizes the inequality, privilege, and marginalization that are formed and transformed in the co-constitution of gender, age, racialized status, class, sexuality, ability, language, and other socio-historical configurations of power. Rooted in Black American feminist activism, intersectionality explores and critiques context-specific dynamics of institutions and human lives to realize social justice.


Your TQ:DI Registration Package includes all of the following online opportunities:

·      Introductory Sessions (intersectional theory, research design, and using Quirkos) - automatically included

·      Interactive Workshops – you will choose up to 4 numbered sessions during registration

·      Public Keynotes by leading intersectional qualitative health researchers - automatically included

·      Opportunity for graduate students doing health-related research to apply for Mentoring Sessions

·      Networking cafés


Workshops are offered in three time slots (morning, afternoon, and evening sessions Mountain Time) and are capped at 40 registrants per session. Some sessions are repeated over the three-day period to accommodate participants in different time zones as best we can. Please note that English is the primary language for this event. 

We have worked to keep registration costs as reasonable as possible: CAD$200 (@US$150) for Graduate Students (partial scholarship), CAD$300 (@US$220) for Community Practitioners, and $500 (@US$370) for Early Career Scholars.

Below you will find more information about the event, keynotes, agenda, speakers and workshop facilitators, and FAQs. We strongly recommend that you visit the Resources section to download the Schedule-at-a-Glance and consult the Workshop Descriptions and Presenter and Facilitator Biographies before beginning the registration process.

Before proceeding to registration, you must be ready with:

1) Payment (credit card) 

2) Session Numbers and Titles of your 4 Workshops choices - you will select these tickets when registering, so be ready with your choices!

  • note that five of the workshops are repeated ("A" and "B" sessions), so choose your sessions carefully
  • have some backup options ready in case some of your initial choices are full
  • note that sessions are in Mountain Daylight Time (GMT-6)

3) Poster/Slides. You will be asked to upload a poster (or up to 3 slides) that introduces your research interests. These will be made available during the conference to help participants and presenters get to know each other and connect to others with similar interests. (These should be informative but do not need to be fancy!) The poster requirements are:

  • Created in PowerPoint or similar app
  • Only 1-3 slides
  • Maximum 400 words
  • Selective use of images is encouraged (no videos, please)
  • Final file saved in PDF and uploaded when registering
  • The poster should briefly introduce your research interests, and any questions about intersectionality you are currently engaging with

Two final notes:

  • Your registration session will time out after one hour. If this happens, a link will be sent to your email to re-enter the registration from the point you left.
  • If you do not receive your confirmation email, please check your spam email folder and designate emails from tqdi for your Inbox.

Closed workshop:

The following workshops are at capacity and are now closed.

1A - Doing Intersectional Analysis in Qualitative Research (Sune Qvotrup Jensen) - Tues, June 20 @ 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm

1B - Doing Intersectional Analysis in Qualitative Research (Sune Qvotrup Jensen) - Wed, June 21 @ 8:30 - 11:00 am MDT

2- Intersectional Mixed Methods (Saran Stewart)- Tues, June 20 @ 8:30 - 11:00 AM MDT

3A - Intersectionality in Qualitative Policy Research (Leah Levac) - Mon, June 19 @3:00 - 5:30 pm MDT


The Agenda below shows the daily schedule for the full TQ:DI Event in MDT (GMT-6). The Schedule-at-a-Glance (below, in Resources) provides a handy list of numbered workshop sessions and times they are offered.

Monday, June 19

9:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Intro Session: Exploring & Analysing Qualitative Data with Quirkos

11:00 AM - 12:30 PM

Welcome & Opening Keynote Panel

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM

Intro Session: Understanding & Applying Intersectionality

3:00 PM - 5:30 PM

11A - Embracing Intersectionality in Community Research for Health Equity

3:00 PM - 5:30 PM

3A - Intersectionality in Qualitative Policy Research

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Intro Session: Intersectionality: Designing Qualitative Research

Monday, June 19

This session will introduce Quirkos: a simple software tool for helping you analyse and organise your qualitative data. We will cover importing data, creating and managing codes and themes, integrating analytic writing, and applying several different analysis approaches. We'll also discuss how to ensure that intersectionality is considered right through the analysis process, and creating reports and outputs that help with writing up for different audiences. Participation in this workshop does not require Quirkos software. More information about Quirkos, including a free trial of the software, can be found at

The session will be led by Dr Daniel Turner (he/him), founder and director of Quirkos, and an experienced researcher and trainer in qualitative health.

Intersectional Qualitative Health Research: State of the field.

Jasmine Abrams, Denise Spitzer & Floretta Boonzaier

Dr. Abrams

In this panel presentation and discussion, Dr. Abrams will provide an overview of the current landscape of qualitative health equity research and describe how - via intersectionality theory - a critical, socio-historical understanding of oppressive systems and their intersections can impact the research process to advance health equity.

Denise L. Spitzer

As the sinew connecting identity, social structure and the materiality of social location, intersectional status—constituted by the historically and socio-politically constructed axes of social differentiation—structures access to social and material resources and power. Consequently, intersectionality has implications for health, wellbeing, and social relations, and helps to illuminate health disparities and other forms of inequalities. Mobility and, subsequently, migration across borders involve moving through and into different social landscapes, invariably engendering shifts in social positioning and thus demanding consideration as to how intersectionality is composed and (re)materialized in different locations. In this presentation, I describe how doing transnational research compels us to think about how intersectionality crosses a variety of borders, thereby demanding attention to spatial and temporal dimensions of social locations and their associated privileges and oppressions.

Floretta Boonzaier

In this talk I map recent developments in qualitative feminist and intersectional research, paying specific attention to how these movements have travelled and transmuted in global and transnational southern contexts with recent imperatives to foreground decolonial and indigenous approaches to research that addresses ongoing forms of systemic and everyday injustices. I foreground the ways in which intersectional research, driven by its locatedness has responded to questions of social justice by attuning to a decolonial framework that centres questions of power, politics, ethics, reflexivity opening up space for more expansive ways of thinking about and doing qualitative health research.

In 1989, Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw published “Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics.” Drawing on Black feminist criticism, Crenshaw’s intervention demonstrated, among other things, the ways in which a particular antidiscrimination regime functioned structurally not only to defeat Black women’s antidiscrimination claims, but also, more broadly, to render Black women’s subordination unrecognizable and illegible as a matter of law. Subsequent to the publication of Crenshaw’s article, scholars across the disciplines began mobilizing intersectionality from a range of theoretical and normative vantage points, engendering what some have called the “intersectionality wars.” This session will focus on the articulation of intersectional in law, explain its relationship to other critical theories, foreground some of the debates about intersectionality, and explain how some scholars in the field of social psychology have been deploying intersectionality to broaden their empirical engagements.

This session will be led by Devon Carbado Devon (he/him) is the Honorable Harry Pregerson and Distinguished Professor of Law at UCLA School of Law.

This workshop explores integrating intersectionality into community-based research aimed at understanding and deepening health equity. I will use findings and experiences from my qualitative research on the state of sexual health literacy among young, self-identified Black gay and other men who have sex with men in Toronto, Ontario. While researchers have identified how sexual health information sources inform youths’ sexual practices, research on the strategies youth employ to evaluate this information’s relevancy in their lives is sparse. Especially lacking are intersectional approaches. In the workshop, I will discuss the choice and use of intersectionality and the social ecological model in my work, and detail the importance of including these theoretical frameworks when engaging young, racialized LGBTQQIA+ populations. We will focus on how intersectionality provides a constructive lens to view the ways young participants’ interconnected identities influence their sexual health, some tensions that arise when using these frameworks, and how the social ecological model provides insights. I will share several novel strategies used to address recruitment challenges, including their benefits and disadvantages. Participants will have the opportunity to apply some of the lessons shared to their own work.

Dr. Nakia Lee-Foon (she/her) is the inaugural Learning Health Systems Research Associate at the Institute for Better Health, Trillium Health Partners in Mississauga Ontario.

This interactive workshop is organized around the questions, “What does the praxis of intersectionality look like?” and “How can we link our intersectionality praxis to public policy development and analysis?” In the first part of the workshop, we will use examples from the workshop facilitator and participants to explore the praxis of intersectionality broadly. What does intersectionality mean and what does it look like in our classrooms (as learners, instructors), the organizations and movements we work and volunteer with, our collaborative research projects, our countries’ policy architecture, and so on. In the second part of the workshop, we’ll explore the application of intersectionality praxis to public policy using two examples from the facilitator’s research in Canada: 1) an intersectionality-informed collaborative policy analysis of a series of core municipal government policy documents; and 2) the development of guidelines for incorporating intersectionality into assessing the impacts of resource extraction. Using these examples, and informed by the diverse experiences of workshop participants, we will consider the strengths, limitations, and challenges of this work; discuss the contributions of gender-based analysis plus (GBA Plus) and other intersectionality-related policy frameworks; and brainstorm strategies for advancing the uptake of intersectionality praxis in public policy. Participants with all levels of experience using intersectionality praxis in public policy are welcome.

Dr. Leah Levac (she/her) is a settler scholar and associate professor in the political science department at the University of Guelph.

Intersectionality in the study of social characteristics ensures that one marginality is not substituted for another and lived experiences are not treated as generic and undifferentiated. Critiques of intersectionality have feared that intersectionality results in the fragmentation of the opposition to structural oppression. Yet intersectionality helps to unravel the layered issues that together constitute lived realities. The power of intersection research thus is to understand the whole while examining the parts. Intersectionality is often applied as a method of research. Lived experiences provide the possibility to explore how intersectionality works in practice. By mapping the fractured nature of the everyday, a lived-experience approach allows us to be open to competing interpretations.

Doing intersectional research involves a detailed mapping of the field and a careful consideration of the area of the research. From the point of design to the point of analysis and dissemination, intersectionality has to be embedded into the process of research. Questions need to be asked at every stage whether the intersectional lens is useful and if the strategy is working. This talk will try to illustrate the basic principles of designing intersectional qualitative research. I propose to draw on the range of such research available using qualitative techniques to elaborate the points I will be making.

Dr. Nandini Ghosh (she/her) is Faculty at the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata.


We highly recommend you download the Schedule-at-a-Glance to see the full schedule of workshops, included sessions that are repeated (designated "A" and "B"). Choose your top 4 and your "backup" choices (in case your first choices are full) before proceeding to Registration.

To help make your choices, consult the full Workshop Descriptions and the Presenter and Facilitator Biographies.

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Keynote Speakers and Workshop Leaders

Accomplished speakers and leaders from all over the world.

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Denise Spitzer

University of Alberta

Professor, School of Public Health

Denise L. Spitzer Ph.D., (she/her/elle) is a Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Alberta and an Adjunct Professor in the Institute of Feminist and Gender Studies at the University of Ottawa, where, from 2005-2015, she was the Canada Research Chair in Gender, Migration and Health and Principal Scientist in the Institute of Population Health. In addition to undergraduate studies in Biology, Chinese Language, and Music, she holds a Master’s degree and doctorate in Anthropology from the University of Alberta. Engaging in participatory research with migrant communities around the world, Dr. Spitzer is interested in examining how global processes, mediated through intersectionality, are implicated in health and wellbeing. She is the recipient of 41 research grants as principal investigator and 39 as co-investigator. Her edited collection, Engendering Migrant Health: Canadian Perspectives (University of Toronto Press, 2011) was cited as one of the best policy books of 2011 by the Hill Times and was awarded a WGSRF Outstanding Scholarship citation by the Women’s and Gender Studies Association in 2013.

Floretta Boonzaier

University of Cape Town

Professor in Psychology University of Cape Town & Co-Director of the Hub for Decolonial Feminist Psychologies in Africa

Floretta Boonzaier (she/her) is a Professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Cape Town, South Africa and Co-Director of the Hub for Decolonial Feminist Psychologies in Africa. She is noted for her work in feminist, critical and decolonial psychologies, her writing on intersectional subjectivities and on gendered and sexual violence. She is also noted for her expertise in qualitative methodologies, specifically in narrative and participatory approaches. Her selected recent publications include the book Pan-Africanism and Psychology in Decolonial Times (authored with Kessi and Gekeler) published by Springer (2022); the edited collection Men, Masculinities and Intimate Partner Violence (with Gottzén & Bornholt) published by Routledge (2020); and the recent paper featured in Current Sociology entitled: Spectacularising narratives on femicide in South Africa: A decolonial feminist analysis.

Jasmine Abrams

Yale University School of Public Health

Presidential Research Fellow

Dr. Jasmine Abrams (she /her)  is an international behavioral research scientist and Presidential Research Fellow at the Yale University School of Public Health. Dr. Abrams has 15 years of experience conducting health equity research with community-based and health service organizations to understand and promote sexual and maternal health among Black women across the African Diaspora, including women in the United States, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Brazil. With a multimillion-dollar funding portfolio, Dr. Abrams has secured numerous federal funding awards to support her work, including funding from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institute of Minority Health Disparities, National Institutes of Mental Health, and Fogarty International Center.  An engaging and highly sought-after speaker, Dr. Abrams has delivered presentations about promoting global health equity, intersectionality in public health research, achieving success in academia, and academic entrepreneurship to numerous universities and private organizations. As a serial entrepreneur, Dr. Abrams is co-founder of Research Unlimited and founder of the Thrive Institute for Professional Development, a science-driven company focused on inspiring success and wellness among researchers via transformative training and international retreat experiences.

Harlan Pruden

Two-Spirit Dry Lab (2SDL)


Harlan Pruden (pronouns - anything said mindfully and respectfully) is Nehiyô/First Nations Cree who works with and for the Two-Spirit community locally, nationally, and internationally. Harlan is a co-founder of the Two-Spirit Dry Lab and the Indigenous Knowledge Translation Lead at Chee Mamuk, an Indigenous health program at the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control. Harlan is also the Managing Editor of and an advisory member for the Canadian Institutes of Health Research’s Institute of Gender and Health.

Ryan Stillwagon

University of British Columbia

Public Scholar

Ryan Stillwagon (He/They) is a UBC Public Scholar and PhD Candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of British Columbia. Their dissertation work explores queer food security in Canada. They have published work on queer place-making and sexual health in the Journal of Indigenous HIV Research, City & CommunityThe ConversationContexts, and JMIR Public Health and Surveillance.

Bilkis Vissandjée

School of Nursing - Université de Montréal // Centre de recherche en santé publique de l’Université de Montréal - CIUSSS du Centre-Sud de l’Île de Montréal (CReSP) //Institut universitaire SHERPA - CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest de l’Île de Montréal (Immigration, Santé, Diversité)

Full Professor and Research Associate

Bilkis Vissandjée (she/her) PhD., is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS) within which she participates in the Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee. She is a professor in the School of Nursing and a research associate in the Centre de recherche en santé publique (CReSP) at the University of Montreal. Dr. Vissandjée is part of one of the working groups with the ‘One Sustainable Health’ Initiative, a Forum led by the ‘Sustainable Health for All’ Foundation. Since 2020, Dr. Vissandjée is a member of the Advisory Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy within the Canada Research Chair Program.

Dr Vissandjée currently leads the RHCforFGC - Gender-Net plus team grant funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research and the European Commission, one of 13 Gender-Net Plus consortia. RHCforFGC includes six teams based in Belgium, France, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and Canada with a focus on quality of care and prevention for women and girls who have experienced or may be at risk of female genital circumcision/mutilation in migrant-receiving countries. Dr Vissandjee was nominated in the 2020 Canadian Women Global Health List.

Anusha Kassan

The University of British Columbia

Associate Professor, High Impact Position in Child & Youth Mental Health

Anusha Kassan (she/her) is currently located on the Treaty 7 Region in Southern Alberta and Métis Nation of Alberta, Region III. My pronouns are she/her. I am an associate professor with a high-impact position in child and youth mental health in the School and Applied Child Psychology program at the University of British Columbia. I graduated from the Counselling Psychology program at McGill University and completed my Pre-Doctoral Internship in Professional Psychology at the University of California, Irvine Counselling Center. Upon graduating, I held a Visiting Assistant Professor Position in the Counselling Psychology program at the University of British Columbia. Subsequently, I was an Assistant and Associate Professor in Educational Studies in Counselling Psychology at the University of Calgary. My program of research is influenced by my own bicultural identity and is informed by an overarching social justice lens. I am presently studying the impact of immigration across different communities. I am also conducting teaching and learning research, investigating cultural and social justice responsiveness in professional psychology. I have been immersed in qualitative research for the past twenty years, and I am very passionate about bringing lived experiences to the forefront, particularly when those experiences have been socio-politically marginalized. I am excited to share the origin, development, and application of an Arts-Based Engagement Ethnography with workshop attendees.

Cristiane Spadacio

University of Sao Paulo

Postdoctoral researcher

Cristiane Spadacio (she/her) earned her Social Sciences (2005), Master's (2008) and Ph.D. (2013) degrees in Collective Health at University of Campinas (Brazil), and held a Postdoctoral position in Public Health at the Faculty of Public Health at the University of Sao Paulo (2014). Dr. Spadacio is an experienced qualitative health researcher, having worked in the areas of intersectionality, HIV prevention, and social determinants of health. She has developed teaching in the area of collective health; health policies; prevention and health promotion; and research methodology, with a focus on qualitative approaches. She is interested in the development of qualitative research in the area of health using a theoretical-conceptual framework from the social sciences, and in the fields of Primary Health Care (PHC) and Intersectionality.

Daniel Turner


Quirkos Founder and Director

Dr. Daniel Turner (he/him) is the founder and director of Quirkos, and an experienced researcher and trainer in qualitative health. After gaining a Ph.D. in Human Geography from the University of Sheffield, Daniel worked as a postdoctoral scholar looking at health systems, long-term conditions and inequality in health provision. He created Quirkos to make it easier to explore and analyze qualitative data, including as part of participatory analysis and co-produced research.

Devon Carbado

UCLA School of Law

Honorable Harry Pregerson Professor of Law

Devon Carbado (he/him) is the Honorable Harry Pregerson and Distinguished Professor of Law at UCLA School of Law. He has twice served as a vice dean at the law school and is the former inaugural Associate Vice Chancellor for Equity Diversity and Inclusion for the broader UCLA university. He writes in the area of racial justice and the law, with a particular focus on intersectionality, employment discrimination, constitutional law, and constitutional criminal procedure. His scholarship appears in law reviews at, among institutions, UCLA, University of California, Berkeley, Harvard, Michigan, and Yale. He is the editor and author of several books, including The Long Walk to Freedom: Runaway Slaves Narratives (with Donald Weise) (Beacon Press), Black Men on Race, Gender, and Sexuality: A Reader (NYU Press) Acting White? Rethinking Race in Post-Racial American (with Mitu Gulati) (Oxford University Press), and Unreasonable: Black Lives, Police Power, and the Fourth Amendment (New Press). He has received the law school’s Rutter of Award for Excellence in Teaching, is a two-time recipient of the Professor of the Year Award from the law school, and received UCLA’s highest distinction—the University’s Distinguished Teaching Award, the Edby Award for the Art of Teaching.

Humanities 101

University of Alberta

Lynn Wade (she/her) started shared experience learning through HUM in 2012. Every semester, she enthusiastically uses her newfound knowledge to help bring diverse communities together.

Beverly Letawsky (pronouns) has been a lifelong learner and a participant of Humanities 101 at the University of Alberta since September of 2016.

Bonita Bohnet (she/her) is a Métis woman from the Northwest Territories. She is currently completing her third year of a Bachelor of Arts degree in Native Studies at the University of Alberta. Bonita is a former Humanities 101 participant and has been the Intern for the program for the past two years. 

Ian Young (he/him) perceives learning is living, if obstacles get in his way, he learns to overcome them, an active member in advocacy, he learns the most from human experience past and present.

Lisa Prins (pronouns) has been working, learning, and playing as the University of Alberta Humanities 101 Coordinator with Community Service-Learning for over a decade.

Isabel Altamirano-Jimenez

University of Alberta

Professor, Canada Research Chair in Comparative Indigenous Feminist Studies

Isabel Altamirano-Jimenez (she/her) is Binizá, professor of political science and Canada Research Chair in Comparative Indigenous Feminist Studies at the University of Alberta. Her research bridges conversations across North/Latin America and examines how different modalities of resource extraction are felt and experienced. She has developed an original body-land methodological framework for theorizing how the gendered effects of natural resource extraction is felt at multiple levels. Through an empirical exploration of two case studies – the Northwest Territories in Canada and Oaxaca, Mexico – her research documents how transnational resource extraction intersects bodies, homes, communities, and territories.

Leah Levac

University of Guelph

Associate Professor, Political Science and Canada Research Chair in Critical Community Engagement and Public Policy

Leah Levac (she/her) is a settler scholar and associate professor in the political science department at the University of Guelph. She is also a Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Critical Community Engagement and Public Policy. As a community-engaged scholar, she strives to use an intersectional and anticolonial approach to research collaborations to create more equitable policy processes and outcomes, with the aim of addressing the ongoing effects of colonialism, sexism, racism and other structural injustices. She is committed to building reciprocal and collaborative research relationships with community partners to respond to policy-related needs. She has published several academic and public outputs, including an edited collection with Dr. Sarah Marie Wiebe (Creating Spaces of Engagement: Policy Justice and the Practical Craft of Deliberative Democracy, 2020), several journal articles and book chapters, and many technical research reports, research fact sheets, and other clear language outputs. Leah lives in Guelph, Ontario with her partner, their toddler, and their dog. She is the proud mom of two great kids and an avid lover of the forest.

Marcia Thereza Couto

University of São Paulo (USP)

Associate Professor

Marcia Thereza Couto (Ph.D. in Sociology) (she/her) is an Associate Professor at the Department of Preventive Medicine (Public Health), School of Medicine, University of São Paulo, focusing on gender and class inequalities in her academic work. She is also a researcher at CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, Brazil). In addition, she is an undergraduate and post-graduate professor at USP School of Medicine, dissertation and thesis advisor, and Brazilian scientific journals assistant editor. She has published in the following areas: intersectionality, HIV prevention, vaccine hesitancy and other cultural aspects of the illness-disease process, using the qualitative methodology approach.

Maskwacis Research Group

University of Alberta

The Maskwacîs Maternal, Child & Family Wellbeing (MMCFW) Research Group is a partnership with Maskwacîs Elders, community leaders, maternal health leads and University of Alberta researchers. Our goal is to develop and evaluate strengths-based, community-led, and culturally-informed strategies to support families during pre-conception, pregnancy, infancy and early childhood.

Denise Young (she/her) Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences, is an Ermineskin Cree Nation Member from Treaty Six Territory and a community research assistant. She is passionate about improving the health and well-being of families and children in her home community of Maskwacîs. Through MMCFW Research Group she is able to do this through Cree culture, knowledge sharing, language, and initiatives that serve the needs of the community.

Luwana Listener (she/her) is a community-based research assistant, working with and for Maskwacîs. The projects she has been involved with include working with mature women’s wellness, intergenerational cohesion, Indigenous gender and wellness, pregnancy and maternal health.

Adam Purificati-Fuñe (him/he), born on Treaty 6 Territory, is of mixed Filipino-European ancestry, is the Deadly Dads’ helper, and a Master’s student from the University of Alberta on the MMCFW team.

Winnie Chow-Horn (her/she) is a first generation Chinese-Canadian has over 30 years as a community activist, community-based researcher, educator, and senior executive in the charitable sector working with racialized and Indigenous communities. She brings this diversity of experience in her role as the Research Associate, for the I-HeLTI Cohort study at the University of Alberta.

Richard Oster (him/he) is the Scientific Director, Indigenous Wellness Core, in Alberta Health Services and also a Research Associate at the University of Alberta.


Nakia Lee-Foon

Institute for Better Health, Trillium Health Partners in Mississauga Ontario

Learning Health Systems Research Associate

Dr. Nakia Lee-Foon (she/her) is the inaugural Learning Health Systems Research Associate at the Institute for Better Health, Trillium Health Partners in Mississauga Ontario. She holds a Ph.D. in the Social and Behavioural Health Sciences stream from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH), University of Toronto. Her award-winning doctoral research explored the state of young, self-identified African, Caribbean and Black gay and other young men who have sex with men’s sexual health literacy in Toronto, Ontario. Nakia completed her Master of Health Sciences with a specialization in Community Health from Ontario Tech University. Her master’s thesis explored the state of Black-Canadian parent-youth sexual health communication in Toronto. She has sat on the board of directors for the Black Health Alliance and Planned Parenthood Toronto. Dr. Lee-Foon has also conducted work focused on health equity, mental health in Black communities and increasing breast and cervical cancer awareness among self-identified Black women. She has taught various aspects of public health at the community, secondary and post-secondary level.

Nandini Ghosh

Institute of Development Studies Kolkata

Assistant Professor of Sociology

Nandini Ghosh (she/her) is Faculty at the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata. Her areas of interest are qualitative research methodology, sociology of gender, marginalisation and social exclusion and social movements. She has published a monograph Impaired Bodies Gendered Lives: Everyday Realities of Disabled Women (Primus Books 2016) and co-authored a book on domestic violence titled The Violent Domestic: Law, its Practice, and Strategies of Survival. She has edited a volume titled Interrogating Disability in India: Theory and Practice (Springer 2016). She also has co-edited two books, Pratyaha Everyday Lifeworlds: Dilemmas, Contestations and Negotiations (Primus 2015) and Caste and Gender in Contemporary India: Power, Privilege and Politics (Routledge 2018). She has published widely on issues around gender, disability, law and politics in well known peer reviewed journals.

Rodrigo Aguayo-Romero

Research Scientist, Whitman-Walker Institute

Dr. Aguayo-Romero (they/them) is a Research Scientist at the Whitman-Walker Institute. They recently completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Transgender Health Research at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, with affiliations at Harvard Medical School and the Fenway Institute. They are the co-chair of the joint task force of the American Psychological Association’s Division 44 and the Committee on Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity revising the Guidelines for Psychological Practice with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People.

Saran Stewart

Associate Professor and Director of Global Education, University of Connecticut Hartford.

Saran Stewart, Ph.D. (she/her) is an Associate Professor and Director of Global Education at the Neag School of Education, as well as Director for Academic Affairs at UConn Hartford. She was formerly a Senior Lecturer and Deputy Dean at the University of the West Indies in Jamaica. Dr. Stewart’s research examines issues in comparative education, decolonizing methodologies, critical/ inclusive pedagogy and access and equity issues in higher education. She is an Ohio State University, QualLab Faculty Fellow, a Salzburg Global Fellow and the recipient of multiple awards including the 2019 Vice Chancellor Award for Excellence from the University of the West Indies and the 2018 African Diaspora Emerging Scholar award by the Comparative and International Education Society. She is editor of Decolonizing Qualitative Methodologies for and by the Caribbean (Information Age Publishing) and co-editor of Race, Equity and the Learning Environment: The Global Relevance of Critical and Inclusive Pedagogies in Higher Education (Stylus). Most recently she co-authored several book chapters and seminal articles on intersectionality methodologies and has delivered numerous presentations and workshops on critical methodologies.

Sophia Zamudio-Haas

University of California, San Francisco

Assistant Professor, Medicine

Dr. Zamudio-Haas’ (she/her) research interests focus on increasing access and uptake of HIV prevention and treatment services for most affected populations in the US and globally, including gender and sexual minorities, people who inject drugs, and young women and girls. Engaging qualitative and community-informed methods, as well as quality improvement strategies, her work focuses on generating innovations and adapting care programs to meet the needs of marginalized populations, with the goal of reducing HIV health disparities. Dr. Zamudio-Haas has an interdisciplinary background. She received her MSc in Global Health and Population and Harvard School of Public Health in 2008 and a DrPH from University of California, Berkley in 2013. She is trilingual in Spanish, Portuguese, and English. Her current work focuses on increasing access to culturally tailored and population specific HIV prevention and care services for transgender women in the US and Brazil.

Sune Qvotrup Jensen

Aalborg University

Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work

Sune Qvotrup Jensen (he/him) holds a Ph.D. in Gender Studies and is an Associate Professor in Sociology at the Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University, Denmark. His main research areas include gender, masculinity, intersectionality, extremism and radicalization as well as subculture and urban studies. His most important publications include "Othering, identity formation and agency" in Qualitative Studies (2011), “Doing intersectional analysis: Methodological implications for qualitative research” in NORA-Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research (2012, with Ann-Dorte Christensen), and “Combining hegemonic masculinity and intersectionality,” in  ORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies (2014, with Ann-Dorte Christensen).


Who is TQ:DI for?

TQ:DI is for participants who are familiar with qualitative methods and have a strong interest in intersectionality. If you are still fairly new to intersectionality, no worries: there will be introductory-level sessions. If you are already engaged with intersectionality, you will find multiple opportunities to answer some of your questions and also form some new ones!

What is included in my registration fee?

When you pay for registration, you will select up to four workshops of your interest. Introductory sessions on intersectionality and Quirkos (software that helps to analyze qualitative data) are included in all registration packages automatically. You can also attend our amazing keynote sessions, which are free and open to the public.

I do not live in Canada, can I participate?

Yes! All TQ:DI activities are virtual. Sessions are being offered in three time slots, and are sometimes repeated, to accommodate participants in different time zones as best we can.

How do I calculate what time the workshops start in my time zone?

All workshop times are presented according to Mountain Daylight Time (MDT), 6 hours behind UTC. This time zone calculator may be helpful.


TQ:DI is supported in part by funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research. Support at the University of Alberta comes from Intersections of Gender, the Women and Children's Health Research Institute, the Vice-President Research and Innovation, and the Faculty of Arts.

The TQ:DI Team at UAlberta includes Sara Dorow, Heather Gray Lamm, Olesya Kochkina, and Mckenna Stevenson. Our thanks to the Planning Committee: Danielle Fuller, Bukola Salami, Jordana Salma, Cheryl Whiskeyjack, and Rachel Zukiwski-Pezim.