Fall 2023 Virtual Learning Experience

Mon, Aug 28, 2023 - Fri, Sep 1, 2023

Saybrook's Virtual Learning Experiences bring students, faculty, and amazing speakers together to participate in an exceptional learning environment tailored to providing a safe and supportive space for student's inquisitiveness and eagerness to learn. Activities during the VLE are designed to expand on the knowledge from coursework, to practice clinical skills, and to participate in professional development through lectures, workshops, invited talks, roundtables, courses, and seminars as well as formal and informal meetings and discussions with faculty, advisors, and peers.​

Please note, to access session descriptions and zoom links, please toggle the 'More' tab on the right side of the Agenda screen.

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Registration has closed for this event. Please contact the event planner for more information.


Plenary Session


Monday, August 28

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM PDT

101-Morning Yoga

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM PDT

102-Opening Session: Initial Meditation and Welcome to the University Learning Experience

9:00 AM - 10:15 AM PDT

103- Plenary Session: Going the Distance as Activists for Change in Our Professional Identities with Dr. Barbara Easterlin

10:15 AM - 12:15 PM PDT

113-Transformative Social Change Department Meeting

12:30 PM - 1:30 PM PDT

107-TSC MA Students Lunch Meeting

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM PDT

112-Choosing an Advanced Research Course

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT

111-IFN Student Orientation

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT

106-Course introduction to TSC 6590: Peace and Justice Studies

2:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT

104-MBM Department Orientation: New MBM MS, PhD, and Certificate Students

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM PDT

108-The Belmont Principles and the Saybrook IRB Review Process: Respect for Persons, Beneficence, and Justice

3:30 PM - 4:30 PM PDT

109-Contemplations and Curiosities: Contemplative End of Life Specialization meeting

3:30 PM - 5:00 PM PDT

216-Legends of Creativity: Conversations with Pioneers and Innovators

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM PDT

110-Introduction to TSC 7085 Globalism and Power

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM PDT

105-Department of Research Technology Session

Monday, August 28

This session is Open to:

All of Saybrook Community

Session Description

Jenny DeDecker, an experienced and certified yoga instructor, will guide the Saybrook Community through a yoga flow each morning.

No previous experience is necessary.

Recommended: Casual-loose attire that will allow for free movement, a quiet spacious are for your practice, a yoga mat or large towel, and a bolster (or pillow).


Jenny DeDecker

Requirement for Program


Session Number 


Zoom Information

ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/91203157881

Meeting ID: 912 0315 7881

Dial by your location

• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

• +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/a7sCs9BuT

This session is Open to:

All of Saybrook Community


Session Description

Join the Saybrook University community in the kickoff session to the new University Learning Experience (ULE), a re-visioning of Saybrook University's Residential Conference. Dr. Selene Vega will begin our week of self-care with a centering meditation. Join your colleagues in both the Residential Learning Experience and the Virtual Learning experience for this combined session focused on the experience theme: Self-Care and Social Justice: Healing Ourselves, Healing the World. Hear from the Vice President for Academic Affairs and our College Deans on how to get the most from this week's experience. 


Dr. Selene Vega

Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Robyn Parker

Dean, College of Social Sciences, Dr. Charlotte Redden-Hamilton

Dean, College of Integrated Medicine & Health Sciences, Dr. Donald Moss



Academic Affairs


Requirement for Program



Session Number 


Zoom Information

ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/92641078127

Meeting ID: 926 4107 8127

Dial by your location

• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

• +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adf8OprZj3

This session is Open to:

All of Saybrook Community


Session Description

Saybrook students are selected because of their potential to make important interdisciplinary contributions towards optimizing individual and collective well-being, but also because they are attuned to social justice and equity. To tackle the enormous challenge of climate change as well as the intersectionally entwined battles for fairness in race, gender, and class, will require that we transform all areas of our economic, social, healthcare, policy, and political structures. We live at a pivotal time in history to save our planet. Your work over the next few years and beyond is indispensable and your influence will extend far beyond your own lives. It will include academic study and professional development, but the foundation will include essential lessons on restoring and repairing the hearts, minds, and bodies of individuals, institutions, and the global community towards a more just and livable planet. This is exciting. But staying engaged can be exhausting without close attunement to your own mental and physical wellness. Remaining energized, joyful, and healthy, while engaging your vision and imagination, is the number one responsibility of the activist-practitioner. The key to thriving in transformative change work, whether it happens in a consultation room, in a board room, or in government, is prioritizing your inner resilience and self-care to avoid compassion fatigue and burnout. That, and participating in community, allowing it to uplift and amplify your efforts. Collaboration creates exponential impact. The Saybrook community is here to help you keep your energy and attention on matters of urgent importance while deeply caring for yourself. This talk focuses on strategies for going the distance during stressful times – and prioritizing the precious talent and capacity you each bring to your chosen disciplines so that you can achieve your goals and make a genuine difference in this world.


Barbara Easterlin, PhD



University - Wide


Requirement for Program



Session Number 


Zoom Information

ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/92641078127

Meeting ID: 926 4107 8127

Dial by your location

• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

• +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adf8OprZj3

This session is Open to:

Only Students in the TSC Program

Session Description

The meeting of the Transformative Social Change (TSC) Degree Department includes students and faculty in the TSC MA and PhD programs, the Social Impact Media MA Specialization and the Peace and Justice Studies MA Specialization.


Joel Federman, Joy Meeker, Laura Turner-Essel



Requirement for Program


Session Number 


Zoom Information

ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09

Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813

Passcode: 756615

Dial by your location

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aCD7EKmaN

This session is Open to:

Only Students in the TSC Program

Session Description

This lunch meeting is an opportunity for MA students in the TSC program to meet informally together and to gather information about their current projects as well as suggest the agendas for the MA support meetings for the Fall semester. Open only to Transformative Social Change (TSC) MA students


Joy Meeker



Requirement for Program


Session Number 


Zoom Information

ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09

Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813

Passcode: 756615

Dial by your location

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aCD7EKmaN

This session is Open to:

All of Saybrook Community


Session Description

This session is designed to provide an overview of the advanced research course choices and how these courses are designed to prepare students for the dissertation. We will describe and discuss how research design choices align with particular research questions and purposes. Additional support for advanced research courses can follow during our VLE Department of Research Drop-in Sessions Tuesday-Friday morning (8:00 - 9:00 AM PT) and afternoon (4:00-5:00 PM PT).


Randy Heinrich, Walker Ladd





Requirement for Program



Session Number 


Zoom Information

ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/99257282196

Meeting ID: 992 5728 2196

Dial by your location

• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adpAq0V75F

This session is Open to:

Only Students in the Integrative and Functional Nutrition Program

Session Description

The IFN student orientation affords you the opportunity to meet the Core Faculty as well as your new IFN student colleagues. We will discuss the following: a) the IFN departmental structure within the broader University, b) the IFN Canvas Community, c) best practices for success in the IFN program, d) department policies, e) how academic advising and registration works, f) how to change your schedule including adding or dropping classes and taking a semester off, g) frequently asked questions from students (i.e., how to add specialization to program plan), and h) overview of dissertation process, i) the CNS credential. Come prepared to pick IFN Core Faculty brains about any other questions that have arisen between your interview/acceptance into the program and the first day of class.


Jessica Weissman, Maureen Molinari, Gina Gonzalez, Blake Myers, Shari Youngblood



Requirement for Program


Session Number 


Zoom Information

This session has restricted attendance. Please contact the presenter directly for the Zoom link.

This session is Open to:

All Students from All Programs

Session Description

The session will provide an overview and introduction for TSC 6610: Peace and Justice Studies. This course engages the study of peace, conflict, justice, and liberation. The primary course themes and learning goals will be reviewed and discussed with session participants. Students who are interested in finding out more about the course for future enrollments are invited to attend as well.  


Joy Meeker



Requirement for Program


Session Number 


Zoom Information

ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09

Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813

Passcode: 756615

Dial by your location

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aCD7EKmaN

This session is Open to:

Only Students in the Mind-Body Medicine (MS, PhD, Certificate)


Session Description

All new MBM students attend a department orientation session with core faculty to discuss the academic expectations, curriculum, and advising strategies for student success. 


Devorah Curtis, PhD; Luann Fortune, PhD; Selene Vega, PhD; Julie Cerrato, PhD; Gina Belton, PhD; Eric Willmarth, PhD; Cliff Smyth, PhD; Valerie Worthington, PhD; Shannon Sims, PhD; Annette Anderson-Engler, PhD; Carlos Santo, NMD; Dorianne Cotter-Lockard, PhD





Requirement for Program



Session Number 


Zoom Information

This session has restricted attendance. Please contact the presenter directly for the Zoom link.

This session is Open to:

All Faculty and Students from All Programs

Session Description

In light of our conference theme, Saybrook IRB Committee Members on this panel will discuss the three principles from the Belmont Report - Respect for Persons, Beneficence, and Justice. The ethical principles defined in Belmont Report underlie the federal rules (45 CFR 46) for the protection of human participants in research. Panel members will describe how they rely on these three principles as part of their IRB review process and suggest how researchers can consider these principles as they develop their study plans and present them to the Saybrook IRB. We will encourage questions and discussion from our session participants.


Laura Brewer, Kirwan Rockefeller, Members of the Saybrook IRB



Requirement for Program


Session Number 


Zoom Information

ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/97513165826

Meeting ID: 975 1316 5826

Dial by your location

• +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aeauIjmOMi

This session is Open to:

All of Saybrook Community

Session Description

The Contemplative End of Life Care specialization program promotes integrative, mind-body-spirit, person-centered approaches to care. The curriculum is designed to prepare students with the professional capacities necessary to provide emotional, spiritual, and practical care for individuals and their families living with life-limiting, chronically ill, and bereaved from the unique approach of the contemplative. Bring your curiosity, inspiration, and questions to our specialization meeting! Meet students currently engaged in the program and explore how applications of CEOL content are operationalized in their work and scholarship. 


Dr. Gina Belton



Requirement for Program


Session Number 


Zoom Information

ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/97610747030?pwd=VHBQKzJtamU1YUNSell2VmRjUklnQT09

Meeting ID: 976 1074 7030

Passcode: 456039

Dial by your location

• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aieYR5EUp

This session is Open to:

All Faculty and Students from All Programs 

Session Description

Robert A. Cleve, PhD and student Jeannel King (CIL doctoral candidate) will interview Dr. Steven Pritzker, Dr. Ruth Richards (Prof. Emeritus) and Dr. Terri Goslin-Jones. This session will offer students and faculty across the department the rare opportunity to take part in an historical account with the three generations of Creativity Studies leaders and its evolution to Creativity, Innovation, and Leadership. This information will be utilized in developing a book chapter highlighting Saybrook University among a collection of higher ed programs offering creativity curriculum. Dr. Israel Espinosa will moderate.


Robert A. Cleve, PhD; 

Steven Pritzker, PhD;

Ruth Richards, PhD (Prof. Emeritus);

Terri Goslin-Jones, PhD;

Israel Espinosa, PhD;

Jeannel King (CIL/PSY Doctoral Candidate) 



Requirement for Program


Session Number 


Zoom Information

ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/8427018646

Meeting ID: 842 701 8646

Dial by your location

• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

• +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)

Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/acaPL7dPD

This session is Open to:

All Students in the Transformative Social Change Program

Session Description

This session is an introduction to TSC 7085 Globalism and Power, providing an overview of the course purpose, structure and processes. The course describes different manifestations of globalization and identifies the powerful forces directing them, the costs and benefits that come with it, the evolving role of transnational groups, global NGOs, and the opportunities to find personal meaning and local purpose in a global society.





Requirement for Program


Session Number 


Zoom Information

ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09

Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813

Passcode: 756615

Dial by your location

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aCD7EKmaN

This session is Open to:

All Students from All Programs

Session Description

Are you ready to supercharge your academic journey and become a master of essential applications? Need help navigating Canvas or Zoom? We've got you covered! This session will review the applications central to your doctoral learning in research courses: Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, basic strategies for navigating Canvas in Research courses, and connecting with department and university resources through the department Canvas shells. Additional support can follow during our VLE Department of Research Drop-in Sessions Tuesday-Friday morning (8:00 - 9:00 AM PT) and afternoon (4:00-5:00 PM PT).


Elena Gillespie



Requirement for Program


Session Number 


Zoom Information

ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/92002540326

Meeting ID: 920 0254 0326

Dial by your location

• +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)

• +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/abmKSaugS


How can I receive a copy of the schedule of events?

The VLE schedule is located under the 'Agenda' tab on the registration site!

What is the purpose of the Virtual Learning Experience?

​Saybrook's Virtual Learning Experiences bring students, faculty, and amazing speakers together to participate in an exceptional learning environment tailored to providing a safe and supportive space for student's inquisitiveness and eagerness to learn. Activities during the VLE are designed to expand on the knowledge from coursework, to practice clinical skills, and to participate in professional development through lectures, workshops, invited talks, roundtables, courses, and seminars as well as formal and informal meetings and discussions with faculty, advisors, and peers.​

Why can't I see the session descriptions?

Under the 'Agenda' tab on the registration site please toggle the button for 'More' to view session descriptions and zoom link information!

What is the theme of the Fall 2023 VLE?

The theme for Fall 2023 VLE is: Self-Care and Social Justice: Healing Ourselves, Healing the World

Saybrook Media Release

Saybrook University

Virtual Residential Conference

Media Release

December 22, 2020

TCS Education System and Saybrook University often use media such as photographs, videos, and sound recordings for advertising, publicity, commercial display, interactive student learning, internet publication or other business purposes. This media, along with biographical information supplied to the System in conjunction with this media may be used by the System, as well as by the public media.

Attendance at the Virtual Residential Conference grants TCS Education System and Saybrook provides permission to use your photograph, video image, or audio recording as well as biographical information supplied to the System. This also allows the reproduction and authorization by TCS Education System and Saybrook, and their associates, assistants, or subcontractors to reproduce and use said media, for use in all domestic and foreign markets, and acknowledge and understand that others, with or without the consent of the System, may use and/or reproduce such media. This also releases TCS Education System, its affiliate institutions, and their successors and assigns, and any of their associated or affiliated companies, their directors, officers, agents, employees and customers, and appointed advertising agencies, their directors, officers, agents and employees from all claims of every kind on account of such use.

Session Evaluations

Please follow the link to evaluate each session you attend here.

VLE Help Desk + IT Assistance

*These resources are specifically available during the week of the Residential Conference.

IT (ZOOM connection or Tech issues related to the VLE):

Dedicated IT RC Help Line:

For Zoom or tech issues related to the VLE, call the dedicated IT RC Help Line at 626-529-8409. 

This line will be available all hours and days the VLE is running and is ONLY for VLE-related issues.

Regular IT Help Desk Line (Non-RC issues):

Don't call the dedicated IT VLE Help Line for non-VLE issues. 

Instead, call the regular IT Help Desk at 1-800-747-8367 or 312-467-8600.

Conference Questions (Scheduling, General Questions, etc):

[email protected]

Session Handouts + Recordings

Session handouts and recordings can be found here!