Registration has closed for this event. Please contact the event planner for more information.

Evangelism Conference 2024

Regrettably, this conference has been cancelled due to low registration.


Free, downloadable evangelism resources are available at: --including videos and materials from past evangelism conferences.



A Lifestyle That Exudes Justice


October 3-5, 2024

Louisville, KY

Come join us for this journey into a more expansive and authentic understanding and practice of evangelism!


For too long, the focus of evangelism has been to grow our churches or convert people to a certain way of believing in God. This expression of evangelism has hurt many people and promoted injustice. We will explore how we are called to embody the good news of God’s healing and compassion through A Lifestyle that Exudes Justice!


* Spend time together in worship, with preaching by Rev. Dr. Debra J. Mumford (Dean of Louisville Seminary).


* Gather for plenary sessions with Rev. Dr. Elaine A. Heath (co-author of Trauma-Informed Evangelism: Cultivating Communities of Wounded Healers).


* Engage with gifted workshop leaders: In-Person Attendees will choose 3 workshops to attend during the conference. All 5 workshops will be recorded and made available online to both Virtual & In-Person Attendees to watch when convenient.


* Three meals are included in the cost of In-Person registration and will be provided in the Presbyterian Center: Thursday Dinner, Friday Lunch, Saturday Boxed Lunch.


Registration Fee:

In-Person: $175  Virtual: $75 


 **Spanish and Korean simultaneous interpretation will be available if requested in your online registration.




Cancellation Policy:

--Virtual Attendees will receive a full refund if their registration is cancelled at any point before Oct 1, 2024. No refunds will be processed for registrations cancelled on Oct 1 or later.

--In-Person Attendees will receive a full refund if their registration is cancelled before Sept 15, 2024. If cancelled on Sept 15 or later, In-Person Attendee's registration will be changed to Virtual and they will receive a $100 refund.

LOCATION: Presbyterian Center, Louisville, KY


Presbyterian Center

100 Witherspoon St, Louisville, KY 40202



The Presbyterian Center can be entered directly from the street/sidewalk on Washington St (between 1st and 2nd St), or accessed by ramp from Witherspoon St. (entrance shown in photo above). If you walk from the Hampton Inn or Fairfield Inn & Suites, the Washington St. entrance will be closest. All floors of the Presbyterian Center can be reached by elevator, and both accessible and gender-neutral bathrooms are available.

SCHEDULE: In-Person Attendees


Check-In & Mission Fair

Come early to check-in, relax with refreshments, and meet other attendees. Staff from various ministry areas of the national office will be there to greet you with information & resources displayed. We look forward to seeing you!

Opening Worship & Welcome

 Rev. Dr. Debra J. Mumford preaching



Plenary I

 Rev. Dr. Elaine A. Heath speaking

SCHEDULE: Virtual Attendees

Virtual Attendees will join via Zoom for the Worship Services and Plenary Sessions each day (see below).


You will receive an email a few days before the start of the conference with the Zoom link to join these sessions.


The 5 workshops will be recorded during the conference. Recordings of all 3 worship services, 2 plenary sessions, and 5 workshops will be available to both virtual & in-person attendees the week after the conference.


(all times Eastern Daylight Time)


Thu, Oct 3

4:00—5:15 pm               Opening Worship & Welcome

7:00—8:00 pm               Plenary I


Fri, Oct 4

9:00—9:30 am               Morning Worship

11:30 am—12:30 pm     Plenary II


Sat, Oct 5

11:00 am—12:00 pm    Closing Worship



Rev. Dr. Elaine A. Heath

Plenary Speaker

Rev. Dr. Elaine A. Heath has had an amazing life journey, beginning with growing up in poverty and having to leave home and find her own way when she was in high school. Later in her adult life she went to college, then seminary, then earned a PhD in theology. She is ordained in the United Methodist Church and served in pastoral ministry prior to her academic ministry as a professor at Southern Methodist University, and as Dean and Professor at Duke Divinity School. She cofounded Neighborhood Seminary, a contextualized model of missional theological education for laity. She currently lives with her husband at Spring Forest, an intentional Christian community and farm in rural North Carolina where she serves as abbess. Heath is the author of twelve books, the most recent being Trauma-Informed Evangelism: Cultivating Communities of Wounded Healers (Wm. B. Eerdmans, 2023), coauthored with Charles Kiser; and  Loving the Hell Out of Ourselves (a memoir) (Birch & Alder, 2021), coauthored with her sister, Jeanine Heath-McGlinn.

Rev. Dr. Debra J. Mumford

Conference Preacher

Rev. Dr. Debra J. Mumford is an ordained minister in American Baptist Churches, USA and affiliate minister with the Alliance of Baptists. She joined the Louisville Seminary faculty in 2007 and serves as Dean of the Seminary and the Frank H. Caldwell Professor of Homiletics. She majored in mechanical engineering at Howard University and worked in engineering before answering her call to ministry. Mumford served as a youth pastor, associate minister and church administrator in several congregations in the San Francisco Bay Area. Her scholarly interests include African American prophetic preaching, prosperity preaching, eschatology and the reign of God, and preaching and health. Mumford’s publications include Envisioning the Reign of God: Preaching for Tomorrow (Judson Press, 2019); Exploring Prosperity Preaching: Biblical Health, Wealth, & Wisdom (Judson Press, 2012); and numerous articles. Mumford also serves as a mentor for the Louisville Youth Group, a grassroots organization that provides resources and a safe space for LGBTQ young people ages 14 to 20.

Rev. Neema Cyrus-Franklin

Workshop Leader: TEACHING

Rev. Neema Cyrus-Franklin has served the Presbyterian church for over 25 years, leading and training leaders in intergenerational Christian formation and camp & conference ministry, as well as serving on staff for 3 different presbyteries. She is currently the Around the Table Project Coordinator for the Office of Christian Formation in the PCUSA. She has written Christian education publications and curriculum for Abingdon Press, the United Methodist Publishing House and Westminster John Knox Press. Neema is a professionally trained coach in Antiracist practices through NEXT Church & CAST (Coach Approach Skills Training). She is also a certified trauma-informed yoga instructor and certified as a Somatic Attachment Therapy practitioner. She and her spouse, the Rev. Victor Cyrus-Franklin, pastor of the First United Methodist Church in Inglewood, CA have two teen children, Victor III and Nhani. Neema loves to sew/craft, travel, and spend time in nature enjoying the marvels of God’s beautiful creation.

Rev. Andries Coetzee

Workshop Leader: PREACHING

Rev. Andries Coetzee, a South African native, currently serves as the Interim Pastor of the Presbyterian United Church of Christ in Saratoga Springs, NY. After completing his theological studies in the Dutch Reformed Church, he came to the United States in 1998 and was ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA) in 2001. As a gay man and pastor, he reflects on the unforced rhythms of God's grace, aspiring to spread love, compassion, and acceptance through his ministry, embracing the transformative power of faith to heal, unite communities, and bring about justice. In his spare time, Andries enjoys walking, gardening, cooking, and engaging in thought-provoking conversations that challenge the status quo.

Rev. Brooke Scott

Workshop Co-Leader: HEALING & HEALTH

Rev. Brooke Scott (she/her) is a Presbyterian pastor of two new worshiping communities in Delaware, Church on Main and Seek Respite. She is also a trained social worker with experience in homeless intervention, mental health, and suicide prevention. She is passionate about the intersections of race, gender, sexuality, mental health, and religion/spirituality. Brooke is an intentionally interfaith practitioner. In her free time, she enjoys reading, music, musical theater, practicing yoga, and traveling.

Mikyle Johnson

Workshop Co-Leader: HEALING & HEALTH

Mikyle Celesdriana Johnson (pronounced my-KELL) (they/them) is a passionate advocate for intersectional justice, with a strong focus on fostering safe spaces and addressing social harm. As a fat, queer, non-binary Black womxn and Louisville, KY native, Mikyle brings a unique perspective to their work, rooted in their experiences and background. Mikyle holds a B.A. in Arts Administration from the University of Kentucky, as well as a Master of Business Administration (MBA), and a Master of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Pittsburgh. They have a diverse background in arts and non-profit, which has provided them with a nuanced understanding of community engagement and social impact. In addition to other ways of serving within community, Mikyle serves as the Coordinator for Instructor Compliance in Mental Health First Aid, leveraging their expertise to ensure that instructors are fully equipped to deliver the program effectively and in adherence to established guidelines.

Rev. Elmer Zavala

Workshop Leader: COMPASSION

Rev. Elmer Zavala pastors the Presbyterian Hispanic Latino Ministry of Preston Highway, a new worshiping community of the Presbytery of Mid-Kentucky that focuses on house church worship and relational and incarnational ministry. Originally from Honduras, Elmer grew up in the countryside, cultivating the land. At the age of 18, he moved to the city and earned his high school diploma. In 1995, Elmer participated in the PC(USA) Mission and Reconciliation Program, a mutual mission exchange program between citizens of the U.S. and citizens of Central American countries where he met his wife, Ellen Sherby. The program also introduced him to a partner church and theological faculty at the Evangelical University of Nicaragua, where he moved in 1997 to continue his theological training at the seminary. Elmer served in local pastoral roles and in the leadership of the Evangelical Methodist Church of Nicaragua (IGLEMEN) for ten years before following his wife to Louisville, Kentucky in 2008, where he accepted a call in the national PC(USA) offices of Presbyterian World Mission. In 2011, Elmer was ordained a member of IGLEMEN through a courtesy ordination by the Mississippi Conference of the United Methodist Church. Elmer and Ellen have three children ages 22, 19 and 13.

Rev. Veronica Cannon

Workshop Leader: EVANGELISM

Rev. Veronica Cannon has served as the Manager for the Office of Vital Congregations in the Presbyterian Mission Agency since May 2023. She is dedicated to the work of helping congregations become more vital by serving and becoming more relevant in their communities. She is guiding the effort of the new Vital Congregations Initiative that will roll out in September 2024 and she conducts workshops throughout the wider church on Vital Congregations to spread news of the good work. She also serves as a life coach and enjoys seeing people come to life when they begin working on solutions to their issues. She is married to Rev. Dr. Jerry L. Cannon and they have four children together: Rudy, Raymond, Rosalynn, and Richard. Veronica loves travel, camping, arts and crafts, good books, good movies, and good company.


 In-Person Attendees will choose 3 workshops to attend during the conference. All 5 workshops will be recorded and made available online to both Virtual & In-Person Attendees.


The topics for the 5 workshops offered during the conference are centered around Matthew 9:35-38:


Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages,

teaching in their synagogues

and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom

and curing every disease and every sickness.

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them

because they were harassed and helpless,

like sheep without a shepherd.

Then he said to his disciples,

“The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few;

therefore ask the Lord of the harvest

to send out laborers into his harvest.”



TEACHING: A Lifestyle that Exudes Justice      …teaching in their synagogues   

Workshop Leader: Rev. Neema Cyrus-Franklin


Join us for an inspiring workshop that delves into the transformative power of faith formation within the home environment. In today's dynamic world, where the pursuit of justice and the spread of the Gospel are more crucial than ever, understanding the pivotal role of faith within our households is essential. We will explore how the Around the Table Initiative cultivates faith formation within households and serves as a potent tool for evangelism and social justice. Through interactive discussions, practical examples, and insightful teachings, attendees will gain valuable insights for integrating faith into everyday practices, fostering an environment where the Gospel thrives, and justice is pursued and nurtured within the household setting. Whether you are a parent, caregiver, faith leader, or simply passionate about spreading the message of love and justice, this workshop will set participants on a journey of discovery, empowerment, and transformation, equipping ourselves to become agents of change within our households and beyond.




PREACHING: A Lifestyle that Exudes Justice               proclaiming the good news of the kingdom

Workshop Leader: Rev. Andries Coetzee


At the core of justice-exuding preaching is the preacher's wholehearted, embodied presence. When we show up as our undivided selves, our words ignite creativity, joy, compassion, mercy, and justice. Lasting justice demands that we bring nothing less than our whole, courageous selves. We will start by embracing our authenticity, allowing justice to exude from our lives. You will further cultivate your ability to create a spirituality of profound acceptance in your preaching and worship leadership--empowering a lifestyle that exudes justice, mercy, and liberation through wholehearted engagement. Join this workshop as we reimagine preaching as a powerful catalyst for change.




HEALING & HEALTH: A Lifestyle that Exudes Justice     curing every disease and every sickness

Workshop Leaders: Rev. Brooke Scott & Mikyle Johnson


There are certainly opportunities throughout the holy scriptures for us to learn from Jesus how to interact with our neighbors experiencing mental health crisis. There are also ways in which Jesus Christ teaches us how to put our own mental wellness at the forefront of the work we are called to do. In this workshop we will explore through scriptures and personal experiences how to assist and be assisted in making the mental health in our community a priority.




COMPASSION: A Lifestyle that Exudes Justice                                     he had compassion for them  

Workshop Leader: Rev. Elmer Zavala                                                

 **This workshop will be presented in Spanish, with simultaneous interpretation in English.


What does it mean to be church? Often when we think of “church” we think of worship on Sundays. In this workshop we will talk about the importance of moving as a community of faith to be the church in everyday life. We will explore what it can mean to accompany the broader community in practical ways, outside the church building. What does it mean to budget in favor of the vulnerable? How can we be a community of faith that does not mind getting dirty that which seems “sacred?” Drawing from experiences with Mid-Kentucky Presbytery's Preston Highway Hispanic/Latino Presbyterian Ministry, we will reflect together on how the Church can embody the compassion revealed in Jesus: “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36, NRSVUE)



COMPASIÓN: Un Estilo de Vida que Exhala Justicia                              …tuvo compasión de ellas  

Líder del Taller: Rev. Elmer Zavala                                                     

**Este taller será en español, con interpretación simultánea al inglés.


¿Qué significa ser iglesia? A menudo cuando pensamos en la “iglesia,” pensamos en el culto los domingos. En este taller vamos a hablar de la importancia que tiene de movernos como comunidad de fe a ser iglesia desde lo cotidiano, acompañando a la comunidad amplia de formas prácticas, fuera del templo. ¿Qué significa poner el presupuesto en favor de los vulnerables? ¿Cómo podemos ser comunidad de fe que no dé importancia a ensuciar lo “sagrado”? Desde la base de experiencias con el Ministerio Presbiteriano Hispano/latino de Preston Highway del Mid-Kentucky Presbytery, reflexionaremos juntos sobre cómo la Iglesia puede encarnar la compasión revelada en Jesús: Y al ver las multitudes, tuvo compasión de ellas; porque estaban desamparadas y dispersas como ovejas que no tienen pastor. (Mateo 9:36)




EVANGELISM: A Lifestyle that Exudes Justice                      send out laborers into his harvest

Workshop Leader: Rev. Veronica Cannon                                                      


In this workshop, we will explore the world of Evangelism by asking and answering questions about the importance of evangelism in the church. What is evangelism? Why is evangelism important, why do it? Who are the sent and who does the sending? Where do we go to do the important work of evangelism? Mark 2 of the Vital Congregations Initiative is Intentional Authentic Evangelism. We delve more deeply into this Mark as we seek connections between the church and the world and how those connections lead us to spaces of justice for other creatures of Almighty God. We will make connections to other Marks of the Vital Congregations Initiative and how they work together to help us become the church that exudes a lifestyle of justice for the people of God by the people of God.






We have a block of rooms at two hotels that are both 3 1/2 blocks from the Presbyterian Center. If you walk from the hotels, the closest entrance to the Presbyterian Center will be on Washington St, between 1st and 2nd St. The two hotels are also within walking distance of museums, the entertainment district of Fourth Street Live, the KFC Yum Center, and the Kentucky International Convention Center. 


To reserve a room at the rates listed below, please book online using the link under your preferred hotel.


Hampton Inn Downtown Louisville

101 East Jefferson St, Louisville, KY

  • Complimentary Hot Breakfast Buffet
  • Complimentary Parking
  • Complimentary Wired / Wireless Internet
  • Room Rate: $134 + tax
  • Reservation deadline is September 12, 2024
  • To reserve a room at the Hampton Inn, please click here



Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Downtown Louisville

100 East Jefferson St, Louisville, KY

  • Complimentary Hot Breakfast Buffet
  • Parking: $19 per night
  • Complimentary Wireless Internet
  • Microwave and mini-fridge in all guest rooms
  • Indoor Pool and Fitness Center
  • Room Rate: $139 + tax
  • Reservation deadline is September 12, 2024 
  • To reserve a room at Fairfield Inn & Suites, please call the hotel’s Reservations Department at 502-569-3553 or book online here.



The Hampton Inn and Fairfield Inn & Suites do not provide shuttle service to/from the Louisville Muhammad Ali Int'l Airport. It's a 6-mile trip (approx. 10-15 minutes). Uber, Lyft, and taxis are all available outside the airport.

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