Fit Cities Fit Towns Canada Conference

Wed, Feb 24, 2021

From 08:00 AM to 01:00 PM MDT

The 1st annual Fit Cities Fit Towns Canada Conference, organized by the Housing for Health Project and its partners, is a 1-day conference providing participants with a unique opportunity to learn about the built environment, and planning for healthier communities. The Fit Cities Fit Towns Canada Conference aims to enhance healthier planning, development, design, and construction in our towns and cities provincially and nationally. Strategies for building healthier communities have also been shown to have co-benefits for improving accessibility, the environment and the economy.

Our meeting event reminder and zoom link has been sent to all registered attendees February 23, 2021 at 3:15 pm (MST).

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Event Details

The annual conference shares evidence-based strategies and practice-informed innovations for improving our buildings, neighbourhoods, streets and communities for Healthy Living, including Active Transportation and Active Recreation, Healthy Food and Beverage Access, and Social Connections. There will also be opportunities for connecting with other multi-sector attendees. The Fit Cities Fit Towns Canada Conference will feature expert Keynote presentations and multi-sector panels featuring national and international speakers.


Below is our agenda for this virtual half-day meeting, exploring new ways to plan and design our buildings, neighbourhoods, streets and communities to promote the health and well-being of the population!

Opening Remarks by Minister, Mayors, Councillors, Alberta Health Services, University of Alberta, and other Invited Guests


Mosom Rick Lightning, Elder in Residence for Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Alberta - Prayer and Opening Remarks

Dr. Walter Dixon, PhD, Interim Vice-President (Research and Innovation), University of Alberta

Honourable Josephine Pon, Minister of Seniors and Housing

Her Worship Maryann Chichak, Mayor Town of Whitecourt

His Worship Don Iveson, Mayor, City of Edmonton

Reeve Paul McLauchlin, Ponoka County, and Rural Municipalities of Alberta President

Tanya Thorn, Alberta Urban Municipalities Association Director of Towns South, and Councillor for the Town of Okotoks (on behalf of His Worship Barry Morishita, Mayor, City of Brooks, and AUMA President)

Dr. Verna Yiu, MD, FRCPC, President and CEO of Alberta Health Services

Dr. Richard Lewanczuk, MD, FRCPC, Professor at University of Alberta, and Senior Medical Director, Health System Integration at Alberta Health Services

Dr. Brenda Hemmelgarn, MD, PhD, FRCPC, Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta

Dr. Narmin Kassam, MD, MHPE, FRCPC, Professor and Chair, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta

Introduction from Dr. Karen Lee, MD, MHSc, FRCPC on Housing for Health

Overview of Health and the Built Environment, and the Housing for Health Initiative


Introduction of Keynote 1 and Panelists

Dr. Laura McDougall, MD, FRCPC, Senior Medical Officer of Health/Senior Medical Director, Population and Public Health (PPH), Alberta Health Services

Keynote 1: Improving Social Connections in our Communities

Speaker: Nadha Hassen, MPH, HBSc (Architectural Design), Vanier Canada Graduate Scholar in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change at York University

Website Link:

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Panel 1: Improving Social Connections in our Communities


Laura Cunningham-Shpeley, Executive Director, Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues

Chris Dulaba, RPP, MCIP, Placemaker, Beljan Development Corporation

Charito Gailling, M. Ed, BA, Project Manager, Healthy Built Environments, Population and Public Health, BC Centre for Disease Control

Tanya Thorn, Alberta Urban Municipalities Association Director of Towns South, and Councillor for the Town of Okotoks


Robert J. Summers, PhD, RPP, MCIP, Associate Director, School of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Alberta, and Academic Director, University of Alberta Sustainability Council

Networking Breakout Discussion

Opportunity for Networking; Discussion Questions from Keynote 1


Introduction of Keynote 2 and Panelists

Sandeep Agrawal, PhD, AICP, MCIP, RPP, Professor and Director, School of Urban and Regional Planning, and Associate Chair, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, University of Alberta

Keynote 2: Designing a Fit NYC – Reimagining the Public Realm to improve Health and Wellbeing

Speaker: Jeffrey Shumaker, AICP, Director of Urban Planning, Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), and Former Chief of Urban Design for City of New York

Panel 2: Improving Public Realm for Health and Wellbeing


Glinis Buffalo, RPP, MCIP, Director of Land Use and Environmental Planning, Treaty 8 First Nations, Alberta Professional Planners Institute Councillor

Tony Flores, BA, Advocate for Person with Disabilities, Government of Alberta

Eleanor Mohammed, RPP, MCIP, EP, President, Commonwealth Association of Planners; Past President, Canadian Institute of Planners

Kim Petrin, Branch Manager, Development Services, Urban Form and Corporate Strategic Development, City of Edmonton



Troy Pavlek and Mack Male, hosts of Speaking Municipally published by Taproot Edmonton

Links: and

Opportunity for Audience Questions and Comments

Facilitated by H4H Team, and Responses from Dr. Karen Lee and others

Closing Remarks

Dr. Sebastian Straube, BM BCh, MA (Oxon), DPhil, Professor and Director, Division of Preventive Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta


To preview or download a copy of the full agenda please click below

Professional Development Credits

Professional Development Credits


The Fit Cities Fit Towns Canada Conference (virtual) has applied for professional development credits/continuing education credits to provide our attendees.


The following professional development credits/continuing education credits can be earned and collected from the associations below for attending the conference:


●      4.00 Professional Development Credits (PDC) from the Canadian Parks and Recreation Association (CPRA)


●      3.00 Professional Development Hours (PDH) from the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors towards the Continuing Professional Competencies Program (CPC) using the CPC Code CPC-2021-002


●      For other professional development credits/continuing education credits, such as for Planners, Architects, Physicians, Other Health Professionals, etc., please check with your respective associations/accrediting bodies about counting Conference attendance as Self-Directed or Unstructured Learning Hours.


If you require Conference documents to submit to your accrediting body, please email Housing for Health at [email protected].

Keynote Speakers

This year’s inaugural conference will explore emerging innovations in the planning and design of cities, municipalities and communities. Keynote presentations and panels will explore two topics:

  • Improving the Public Realm for Health and Well-being - Jeffrey Shumaker

Jeffrey’s talk will focus primarily on the transformation of New York City during the Bloomberg administration. Across the city’s five boroughs, the city’s public realm was reimagined in ways never seen before and was the result of a unique collaboration across city agencies and disciplines including planning, transportation, parks and public health. Pedestrian plazas were carved out of streets once dominated by cars, including the iconic Times Square, and once-derelict waterfronts and abandoned infrastructure were transformed into precedent-setting parks and playgrounds open and accessible to all. In addition to projects, this unique collaboration also resulted in precedent-setting city-wide initiatives including the Active Design Guidelines, which for the first time linked the planning and design of the city’s built environment with public health. The talk will end with a few examples of projects Jeffrey is currently working on at BIG that build on his prior public sector experience and strive toward making NYC the most livable — and fit! — city in the world.

  • Improving Social Connections in our Communities - Nadha Hassen

At a time when loneliness, isolation and mental health burden are rapidly increasing, what is the role of the built environment in promoting social connection? How can we develop and sustain connected, inclusive communities that enhance social belonging and social support?This presentation will share evidence-informed actions and promising interventions for improving social connection through the built environment at different levels - across buildings, sites and neighbourhoods. By highlighting tangible examples that researchers, policymakers and practitioners such architects, developers, urban planners, public health professionals and decision-makers can implement, we can glean insights into creating spaces, places and environments that increase social connection. 

Jeffrey Shumaker



AICP, Director of Urban Planning, Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG), and Former Chief of Urban Design for City of New York

Jeffrey Shumaker, AICP, has been working at the intersection of architecture and city planning for more than twenty years, in both the public and private sectors, focusing primarily on the design of the public realm. Jeffrey is currently serving as the Director of Urban Planning at the Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) where he is working on many of the firm’s large-scale urban design projects including BiodiverCity in Malaysia, Toyota Woven City in Japan and a Public Realm Plan for Downtown Brooklyn. In addition to his private sector experience, Jeffrey also served as the Chief Urban Designer for the City of New York. For almost ten years, beginning under Mayor Bloomberg and Planning Commissioner Amanda Burden, Jeffrey worked to ensure a high level of design quality on public spaces across the city’s five boroughs and helped shape plans for neighborhoods as diverse as Coney Island in Brooklyn, Hudson Yards and the High Line in Manhattan, and Long Island City in Queens. He also played a key role in developing many citywide initiatives including the city’s first-ever Urban Design Principles, Street Design Guide, the NYC Plaza Program and the award-winning Active Design Guidelines. Jeffrey holds dual Masters Degrees in Architecture, Planning and Urban Design from MIT, is the recipient of numerous awards in urban design and planning, and teaches and lectures frequently.

Nadha Hassen



MPH, HBSc (Architectural Design), Vanier Canada Graduate Scholar in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change at York University

Nadha Hassen is a doctoral candidate and Vanier Canada Graduate Scholar in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change at York University. Her research, writing and projects explore health equity in different environments, and her doctoral work focuses on examining the link between urban green spaces and mental health and wellbeing for racialized populations, by exploring concepts like safety, access and belonging.


Nadha’s multidisciplinary academic trajectory has enabled her to take a critical approach to understanding and tackling the complex relationships between diverse communities, their environments, and the impacts on their health. She has a Master of Public Health from the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto, specializing in Social and Behavioural Health Sciences. During this time, she completed the CIHR Strategic Training Program in Public Health Policy and the Community Development Collaborative Program. Prior to her degree in public health, she received her Honours Bachelor of Science at the University of Toronto, majoring in Architectural Design.  

Nadha's website and Twitter links:

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