Fall 2022 Virtual Residential Conference
Please use your saybrook.edu email address to register for this event!
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Saybrook Media Release
Saybrook University
Virtual Residential Conference
Media Release
December 22, 2020
TCS Education System and Saybrook University often use media such as photographs, videos, and sound recordings for advertising, publicity, commercial display, interactive student learning, internet publication or other business purposes. This media, along with biographical information supplied to the System in conjunction with this media may be used by the System, as well as by the public media.
Attendance at the Virtual Residential Conference grants TCS Education System and Saybrook provides permission to use your photograph, video image, or audio recording as well as biographical information supplied to the System. This also allows the reproduction and authorization by TCS Education System and Saybrook, and their associates, assistants, or subcontractors to reproduce and use said media, for use in all domestic and foreign markets, and acknowledge and understand that others, with or without the consent of the System, may use and/or reproduce such media. This also releases TCS Education System, its affiliate institutions, and their successors and assigns, and any of their associated or affiliated companies, their directors, officers, agents, employees and customers, and appointed advertising agencies, their directors, officers, agents and employees from all claims of every kind on account of such use.
RC Video
How can I receive a copy of the schedule of events?
The Conference Schedule is being finalized. Upon completion of the schedule, registered attendees will be able to view session information through this landing page. It is anticipated that the schedule will be released about 2 weeks prior to the start of the conference.
What is the purpose of the Residential Conference?
Activities during the Residential Conference are designed to expand on the knowledge from coursework, to practice clinical skills, and to participate in professional development through lectures, workshops, invited talks, roundtables, courses, and seminars as well as formal and informal meetings and discussions with faculty, advisors, and peers.
How do I make an appointment with faculty?
Resources on contacting faculty and making appointments can be found under the 'Faculty Appointments' tab of this page.
Faculty Appointments
Some faculty and staff will be available to meet with students one-on-one during the Fall 2022 Residential Conference.
Appointments can be scheduled by contacting faculty/staff via the method specified below (Saybrook email or Calendly).
Please note that some faculty will not be available during the Residential Conference for one-on-one meetings due to their teaching commitments. If you would like to schedule a meeting with them after the RC, please contact them directly via their Saybrook email.
• Academic Advisor - Jeff Spain
https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/[email protected]/bookings/
• Academic Advisor - Karla Camacho-Godoy
• Canvas - Ray Bailey
• Center for Writing and Academic Success (CWAS) - Christina Quirong
• Financial Aid:
• Library - Laura Rice
Director of Library: [email protected]
• MBM Faculty:
Schedule with Dr. Devorah Curtis by going to her calendar: Click here to schedule an appointment.
Schedule with Dr. Luann Fortune by going to her calendar: Click here to schedule an appointment.
Schedule with Dr. Valerie Worthington by going to her calendar: Click here to schedule an appointment.
• Registrar - Shannon Corder Scott
Click here to schedule and appointment.
• Student Accounts -
• Research -
Dr. Walker Ladd: [email protected]
Dr. Elena Gillespie: [email protected]
Dr. Randy Heinrich: [email protected] and https://dr_randy.timetap.com
Dr. Laura Brewer: Click here to schedule an appointment.
101-Morning Yoga
This session is Open to:
All of Saybrook Community
Session Description
Jennifer DeDecker, an experienced and certified yoga instructor, will guide the Saybrook Community through a yoga flow each morning.
No previous experience is necessary.
Recommended: Casual-loose attire that will allow for free movement, a quiet spacious are for your practice, a yoga mat or large towel, and a bolster (or pillow).
Jenny DeDecker, Certified Yoga Instructor
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96283102958?pwd=Q2RaVE55N2JRVThBK2lVU0NSVDZMdz09
Meeting ID: 962 8310 2958
Passcode: 771401
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/abYBDvrnIS
121-Downloading and Installing SPSS for Windows and Mac
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
Do you plan to take a SPSS workshop at the Residential Conference or a quantitative research or statistics course this Fall? Or are you just curious about learning SPSS? Come to this preliminary session and download and set up the SPSS program. We will walk through the download process with both Windows and Mac so you will be ready to address learning activities when you reach them in your Fall course or during the SPSS workshops at the RC.
Elena Gillespie
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/98755201977
Meeting ID: 987 5520 1977
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
103-SPSS Basic Training (Day 1)
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This is the first day of a 1 ½ day interactive workshop during which students will learn to use SPSS to construct optimal data sheets for typical types of quantitative parametric and non-parametric data encountered at Saybrook University. You will learn about types of variables and common mistakes in interpreting SPSS analyses. You will use a practice data set to perform basic analyses including “t” tests, ANOVAs, correlations, and regressions. You will gain an understanding of which types of data fit parametric and non-parametric tests.
Rich Sherman, Elena Gillespie
Hosted by DoR & APH
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96002171518
Meeting ID: 960 0217 1518
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
106-Basic Biofeedback
This session is Open to:
Only students enrolled in Basic Biofeedback
Session Description
See live demonstrations and experience an introduction to the field of biofeedback and applied psychophysiology!
(For students enrolled in the Basic Training and Education in Biofeedback course)
Cynthia Kerson, Ph.D
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/577 507 5064
Meeting ID: 5775075064
102-Faculty Mentor IRB and Mentor Petitions
This session is Open to:
All Saybrook Faculty
Session Description
In this faculty-only session we will describe IRB online submission and review strategies for faculty who supervise student research or who are submitting IRB applications for their own studies. We will also go over the Mentor Petitions system. Finally, we will discuss IRB and Mentor Petitions support, including describing our various office hours. Please come with your IRB or Mentor Petition questions!
Laura Brewer, Kirwan Rockefeller
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/91575005447
Meeting ID: 915 7500 5447
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
104-Basic Hypnosis
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This workshop is filled with demonstrations and practice as well as an overview of the world of hypnosis. Probably the best workshop you will attend while you're at Saybrook!
Eric K. Willmarth, Ph.D
Requirement for Program
Yes, Requirement For: Basic Training and Education in Hypnosis course
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/4439773353
Meeting ID: 443 977 3353
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aN7b8BVJv
105-Intermediate Hypnosis
This session is Open to:
Only Students Enrolled in Intermediate Hypnosis for the Fall term.
For students taking Intermediate Hypnosis, this workshop will move beyond basic inductions and into more advanced approaches to elicit the hypnotic state. Live demonstrations and practice included!
David Reid, Psy.D
Requirement for Program:
Session Number:
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/99216459237
Meeting ID: 992 1645 9237
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ahXFT7j38
107-Circle: Each Voice Matters
This session is Open to:
Only DBA, MBA, and PHD Students in the Department of Business and Leadership
Session Description
This tradition of Circle opens and closes each day. Each voice is heard. Reflection is invited. There are seven steps and each day holds a business and leadership focus.
Dr. Mary Kay Chess
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/5264061339
Meeting ID: 526 406 1339
Dial by your location
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aehpKYD07W
108-Transformative Social Change: Department Meeting
This session is Open to:
Only MA and PhD Students enrolled in Transformative Social Change
Session Description
The meeting of the Transformative Social Change (TSC) Degree Department includes students and faculty in the TSC MA and PhD programs, the Social Impact Media MA Specialization and the Peace and Justice Studies MA Specialization, as well as continuing students in the Psychology-Transformative Social Change Specialization.
Joel Federman, Joy Meeker, Marc Pilisuk
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09
Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813
Passcode: 756615
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adX3kt9FCL
109-New MBM Student Orientation
This session is Open to:
Only new MS and PhD Mind-Body Medicine Students
Session Description
All new MBM students attend a department orientation session with core faculty to discuss the academic expectations, degree plan options, and advising strategies for student success.
MBM Department Core Faculty Members
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/91806442264?pwd=MDlJRzVpVUJCU3RtV1Ywcm1LUGEwZz09
Meeting ID: 918 0644 2264
Passcode: 670604
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/abaTQYFlGk
507-Let's Talk: What Do the UN Goals Mean to Leaders at Saybrook? Where are We Making a Difference?
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
In preparation for the Diversity Luncheon, we take this opportunity to step back and review the value proposition outlined in the UN Sustainability Goals. We know that leaders from every department are engaged in some element of this complex system of aspirational, tangible and critical goals. Let's build a living document of who is touching each of these goals. Lets explore together the power of our intentions.
Dr. Marsha Willard; Dr. Dale Gooden; Dr. Megan Ratcliffe; Dr. Mary Kay Chess
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/4272625417
Meeting ID: 427 262 5417
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aeeAAJZkLe
110-Advanced Research Courses : Preparing for Dissertation
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This workshop is designed to provide an overview of the advanced research course choices and how these courses are designed to prepare students for the dissertation. We will describe and discuss how research design choices are aligned with particular research questions and research purposes. Additional advanced research course consultations can follow during our Wednesday and Thursday Research and Dissertation Open sessions and the individual advanced research methods sessions running are Wednesday and Thursday from 8-10a PT and at 3-5pm PT.
Walker Ladd, Elena Gillespie, Randy Heinrich, Laura Brewer
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/92988382599
Meeting ID: 929 8838 2599
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
115-Global Engagement 2023 Updates
This session is Open to:
Entire Saybrook Community
Session Description
Join TCS Global Engagement to learn more about upcoming events and opportunities to immerse yourself in the global community! Topics will include: Globe Grant, GLOBE Talks, Global Distinction, Study Abroad opportunity - Education Beyond Borders, International Education Week, Q&A session, and more.
Nancy Garcia, Sharon Yu
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/95958293513?pwd=a21iQWU1cGRmajRLRS8rbmNRL3IvUT09
Meeting ID: 959 5829 3513
Passcode: 863171
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/abw66zUwTq
111-Dissertation Process: (1) Selecting Committee Members
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This 2-hour workshop is divided into four 30-minute parts. You can come to one part or to all parts in the session.
In the 1st part of the session, we’ll discuss strategies for selecting faculty to serve as your dissertation chair and committee members. Bring your dissertation questions!
Walker Ladd, Elena Gillespie, Randy Heinrich, Laura Brewer
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/98084016388
Meeting ID: 980 8401 6388
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
112-Dissertation Process: (2) Proposal
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This 2-hour workshop is divided into four 30-minute parts. You can come to one part or to all parts of the session.
In the 2nd part of the session, we’ll discuss the dissertation proposal. Bring your dissertation questions!
Walker Ladd, Elena Gillespie, Randy Heinrich, Laura Brewer
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/98084016388
Meeting ID: 980 8401 6388
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
116-Introduction to TSC 7050 Transformative Learning and Change
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This session will provide an overview and introduction for TSC 7050 Transformative Learning and Change. Course learning objectives, assignments, and expectations will be covered. The primary course themes will be reviewed and discussed with session participants. Students who are interested in finding out more about the course for future enrollments are invited to attend as well.
Joy Meeker
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09
Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813
Passcode: 756615
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adX3kt9FCL
113-Dissertation Process: (3) IRB and Data Collection
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This 2-hour workshop is divided into four 30-minute parts. You can come to one part or to all parts in the session.
In the 3rd part of the session, we’ll discuss strategies for preparing for the IRB and data collection and management. Bring your dissertation questions!
Walker Ladd, Elena Gillespie, Randy Heinrich, Laura Brewer
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/98084016388
Meeting ID: 980 8401 6388
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
114-Dissertation Process: (4) Writing Up and Oral Defense
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This 2-hour workshop is divided into four 30-minute parts. You can come to one part or to all parts of the session.
In the 4th part of the session, we’ll discuss the end of the dissertation process including writing up the dissertation report and presenting the dissertation for the oral defense. Bring your dissertation questions!
Walker Ladd, Elena Gillespie, Randy Heinrich, Laura Brewer
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/98084016388
Meeting ID: 980 8401 6388
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
122-Introduction to TSC 6500 Ecological Psychology
This session is Open to:
Only students in the TSC program
Session Description
This session is an introduction to TSC 6500 Ecological Psychology, providing an overview of the course purpose, structure and processes.
Laura Turner-Essel
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09
Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813
Passcode: 756615
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aCD7EKmaN
118-IRB Updates and Open House
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
In this session, we will discuss Saybrook's online IRB submission and review system, as well as strategies to support student success with the IRB process. Please come with your IRB questions!
Laura Brewer, Kirwan Rockefeller
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/95267488457
Meeting ID: 952 6748 8457
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
120-APH New Student Orientation
This session is Open to:
Only New Students of the Applied Psychophysiology Department
Session Description
This is an opportunity for new students in the Applied Psychophysiology Department to meet with faculty and talk about the program, plans and hopes. Summer and Fall new admissions only.
Eric Willmarth, PhD, Richard Sherman, PhD, Cynthia Kerson, PhD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/4439773353
Meeting ID: 443 977 3353
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aN7b8BVJv
201-Morning Yoga
This session is Open to:
All of Saybrook Community
Session Description
Jennifer DeDecker, an experienced and certified yoga instructor, will guide the Saybrook Community through a yoga flow each morning.
No previous experience is necessary.
Recommended: Casual-loose attire that will allow for free movement, a quiet spacious are for your practice, a yoga mat or large towel, and a bolster (or pillow).
Jenny DeDecker, Certified Yoga Instructor
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96283102958?pwd=Q2RaVE55N2JRVThBK2lVU0NSVDZMdz09
Meeting ID: 962 8310 2958
Passcode: 771401
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/abYBDvrnIS
205-Introduction to Hermeneutic Research and IPA
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This session is designed for students exploring hermeneutic research and IPA and those enrolled in RES3050 this Fall. You will learn about the purpose of hermeneutic research and IPA and the type of research questions that align with these methods. In addition, the session will include an overview of the characteristics of hermeneutic research and IPA, when you would use these methods, the types of data you would collect, and the type of analysis you would conduct. Come with hermeneutic and IPA research ideas and questions.
Walker Ladd
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/97362006867
Meeting ID: 973 6200 6867
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
206-What's Top of Mind? TOPIC: Sustainability
This session is Open to:
All of Saybrook Community
Session Description
Topic: Sustainabililty:
Question: How do we create a culture and mindset around Sustainability - to engage our people and leaders and reinforce behaviors of change?
There is an endless list of topics impacting business and leaders of organizations and community events. This session allows us to consider these topics from multiple business and leadership lenses. The topic of the day focuses on Sustainability (Tuesday), Purposeful Work (Wednesday), the Future of Work (Thursday) and Equity (Friday). We invite Saybrook staff and students into the conversation, to tackle gnarly issues with no easy answers.
We believe the wisdom will be in the room for possibility.
Dr. Ratcliff; Dr. Willard
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/4272625417
Meeting ID: 427 262 5417
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aeeAAJZkLe
204-MBM 5523 Applications & Theories in Mindful Leadership
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This virtual workshop is required for those enrolled in MBM5523 for Fall 2022. It is open to others who are interested and able to commit to participating in the entire workshop. It is based on the concepts of mindfulness contained in our model of evidence-based mindfulness for leadership with a focus on healthcare leadership. These include self-awareness, other-awareness, relational mindfulness, and mindful practices in healthcare organization leadership. practices, reflection, and dialog. Participants will experience the concepts of mindfulness as applied to leadership, through embodied practices, reflection, and dialog. Those planning to take the workshop but not enrolled in the course should contact Dr. Cotter-Lockard ([email protected]) in advance for pre-workshop readings.
Dorianne Cotter-Lockard, PhD; Luann Fortune, PhD; Kristin Jamieson, PhD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/91670577505?pwd=MGF4LzdTZUlhaEJvL1o1TnBwdEdQUT09
Meeting ID: 916 7057 7505
Passcode: 936830
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/abXzMGpsdQ
202-Circle: Each Voice Matters
This session is Open to:
Only DBA, MBA, and PHD Students in the Department of Business and Leadership
Session Description
This tradition of Circle opens and closes each day. Each voice is heard. Reflection is invited. There are seven steps and each day holds a business and leadership focus.
Dr. Mary Kay Chess
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/5264061339
Meeting ID: 526 406 1339
Dial by your location
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aehpKYD07W
229-SPSS Basic Training (Day 2)
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This is the second day of the 1 ½ day interactive workshop during which students will learn to use SPSS to construct optimal data sheets for typical types of quantitative parametric and non-parametric data encountered at Saybrook University. You will learn about types of variables and common mistakes in interpreting SPSS analyses. You will use a practice data set to perform basic analyses including “t” tests, ANOVAs, correlations, and regressions. You will gain an understanding of which types of data fit parametric and non-parametric tests.
Rich Sherman, Elena Gillespie
Hosted by DoR & APH
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/94124162190
Meeting ID: 941 2416 2190
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
208-MBM 5668 Body-Oriented Approaches to Psychotherapy
This session is Open to:
Only Students Enrolled in MBM 5668 Body-Oriented Approaches to Psychotherapy
Session Description
Body-oriented psychotherapy uses the pathway of connection with the body to approach psychological issues. This course provides students with a basic skillset to bring a somatic focus to their therapy sessions along with introductory knowledge of several body-oriented psychotherapy modalities. Students will explore experiential exercises from some of the techniques with each other and with a volunteer, as well as study the history and theories underlying these practices and the research done on these mind-body approaches to healing and well-being. This event provides an overview of the course materials as well as experiential exercises and discussion to prepare students for the online portion of the course.
Selene Vega, PhD; Courtnay Meletta, PhD
Requirement for Program
Yes (MBM 5668 is required for students enrolled in the PhD MBM program with the Integrative Mental Health specialization)
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
This session has restricted attendance. Please contact the presenter directly for the Zoom link.
210-Department of Humanistic Psychology: Faculty & Student Community Meeting
This session is Open to:
Only Students Enrolled in the Psychology Program
Session Description
In this meeting the Department of Humanistic Psychology will provide Psychology program students with information and updates of the overall program and community. We are excited to see all of you and begin a new academic year!
Department Chair: Israel Espinosa; PsyD
Department Faculty: Robert Cleve, PhD; Vasiliki Georgoulas-Sherry, PhD; Marina Smirnova, PhD.
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/8427018646
Meeting ID: 842 701 8646
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/acaPL7dPD
209-Introduction to TSC 7085 Globalism and Power
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This session is an introduction to TSC 7085 Globalism and Power, providing an overview of the course purpose, structure and processes. The course describes different manifestations of globalization and identifies the powerful forces directing them, the costs and benefits that come with it, the evolving role of transnational groups, global NGOs, and the opportunities to find personal meaning and local purpose in a global society.
Nikolas Roberts, Marc Pilisuk
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09
Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813
Passcode: 756615
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adX3kt9FCL
211-What Business is Looking for in Leaders and Leadership
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
As we continue to grapple with local, regional and global challenges, the development of leaders for these unexpected, expected and uncanny challenges need new skills, new learning and new ways of engaging. We'll examine the needs, create a gap assessment and begin to ask: What's Next?
Dr. Terila Johnson; Dr. Megan Ratcliffe
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/4272625417
Meeting ID: 427 262 5417
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aeeAAJZkLe
213-TSC MA Students Lunch Meeting
This session is Open to:
Only MA Students Enrolled in Transformative Social Change (TSC)
Session Description
This lunch meeting is an opportunity for MA students in the TSC program to meet informally together and to gather information about their current projects as well as suggest the agendas for the MA support meetings for the Fall semester.
Joy Meeker
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09
Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813
Passcode: 756615
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adX3kt9FCL
216-Creativity Studies/ Psychology- Creativity at Work: An Invitation to Systemic Change in the Workplace
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
Organizations seek change, yet, the results can often be disappointing with the power of the status quo remaining unswayed. Creativity at work introduces the novel and practical application of creativity to intensify the discomfort of remaining in the status quo and spark a greater desire for meaningful change. In this panel session, three scholar-practitioners will share their perspectives on where and how creativity may be leveraged towards systemic change. First, Hornbeck uses their experience in higher education and the arts to suggest a decolonial framework for strategic planning that seeks to recenter liberation as a necessary outcome of change. Next, King applies their corporate experience in organizational systems to dive deep into the literature on change agentry, highlighting how creativity is handled, where there are gaps, what insights are produced, and what areas are primed for future research. Finally, Blasi pulls from her extensive career in educational leadership to elucidate the importance of the physical environment needed for creativity to thrive. Through sharing our research from a space of lived experience, we end with an invitation for participants to embody creativity as a means of change in the workspaces they occupy.
Elaine Blasi; Roxanne Hornbeck; Jeannel King
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/6628735725?pwd=RDdhZnE1ZlM1MnR2dGNZSlJzalA0QT09
215-Creativity Studies/Psychology-Translating Acting Skills into People Skills: Applied Psychology through Acting and Experiential Learning
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
Wouldn’t it be fun to be someone else for a day? Join Saybrook graduate, John Cane, PhD, in a presentation featuring his dissertation on, The Perceived Effects of Acting Training, Rehearsal, and Performance on Actors. The session will include experiential exercises for participants to apply acting skills into people skills. No acting experience necessary, just bring your curiosity and willingness to explore the empowering effect of stepping into a character for increased self-awareness, confidence, and fun!
John Cane, PhD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/98296521988?pwd=azBlUEpUL0FySG5wQ2RyenordGRvZz09
217-CSIH/PSY- Unveiling, Retrieving, and Redeeming Soulful Living in Midlife: An Inward Gaze
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This presentation is an inward gaze that offers nuggets of creative insight toward cultivating a soulfully imbued midlife passage and bringing forth one’s creative gifts. While exploring and capitalizing upon key ideas in Jungian psychology, this presentation leans into the archetypal domain, mining its soulful offerings and minding its numinous potentiating powers. It explores the archetype of the Shadow and the archetype of the Self, elucidating rewarding ways of approaching and relating to both, and it concludes by celebrating the gift of invention.
Marina A. Smirnova; Sean Hinton
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/8433225304
Meeting ID: 843 322 5304
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
207-Advanced SPSS
This session is Open to:
All of Saybrook Community
Session Description
This ½ day, interactive workshop is for students already familiar with SPSS who have specific questions about how to analyze data sets they have encountered. Students attending the workshop will work together to develop optimal answers – frequently with support from YouTube videos, etc. Students attending this workshop are required to email their questions to Dr. Sherman in advance at [email protected] so the group can be ready to provide optimal answers.
Rich Sherman
Hosted by DoR & APH
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/94834483574
Meeting ID: 948 3448 3574
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
222-Introduction to TSC 6610 Social System Transformation Theory
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
The session will provide an overview and introduction for TSC 6610 Social System Transformation Theory, including an overview of the course purpose, structure and processes. The aim of this course is to empower students to be able to critically evaluate social systems and become participants in their co-creation and transformation. The course enables students to recognize and analyze social systems and societal paradigms as they present themselves in various domains of human experience, develop a critical understanding of how humanistic values, developmental ideas and norms can be applied to social systems, and develop the ability to create strategies for changes in such systems and norms so that they will improve the well-being of the people who participate in them. Students who are interested in finding out more about the course for future enrollments are invited to attend as well.
Joel Federman
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09
Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813
Passcode: 756615
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adX3kt9FCL
221-What is Your Proposal?
This session is Open to:
Only PhD and DBA Students
Session Description
If you are considering a research question, a project topic or a methodology, this Open Space is for you. You will have a chance to connect with faculty serving on dissertation committees, alums who have completed dissertations and are continuing to thrive, and alums with businesses up and running as a result of their engagement in the Department of Business and Leadership.
Dr. Mary Kay Chess; Dr. Patty Neil; Dr. Lynetta Dumas; Dr. Megan Ratcliffe.
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/5264061339
Meeting ID: 526 406 1339
Dial by your location
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aehpKYD07W
223-Introduction to Action Research
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This session is designed for students exploring action research and those who intend to enroll in RES3080 next Spring. You will learn about the purpose of action research and the type of research questions that align with this method. In addition, the session will include an overview of the characteristics of action research, when you would use this method, the types of data you would collect, and the type of analysis you would conduct. Come with action research ideas and questions.
Randy Heinrich
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/98064697104
Meeting ID: 980 6469 7104
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
225-Introduction to Grounded Theory Research Methods
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This session is designed for students exploring grounded theory research and those enrolled in RES3030 this Fall. You will learn about the purpose of grounded theory research and the type of research questions that align with this method. In addition, the session will include an overview of the characteristics of grounded theory research, when you would use this method, the types of data you would collect, and the type of analysis you would conduct. Come with grounded theory research ideas and questions.
Kara Vander Linden
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/98129217644
Meeting ID: 981 2921 7644
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
226-CS/CSIH/EHP/PSY- Media Psychology and Communications
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
A presentation and discussion of media psychology, including its pervasive global significance, behavioral theories, manipulative effects and importance in commerce, education, politics, education, entertainment, arts, humanities, technology, culture and social change.
Bernard Luskin, PhD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/8427018646
Meeting ID: 842 701 8646
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/acaPL7dPD
228-Mindfulness Meditation Circle
This session is Open to:
All of Saybrook Community
Session Description
To close this RC day, we will offer an hour of guided mindfulness meditation lead by MBM faculty members. All Saybrookians are invited to join this circle. No previous experience with meditation is required.
Luann Fortune and the MBM Family
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/99513581529?pwd=bjQya2xxcFNHQTR3Snc0L1FxYUt0QT09
Meeting ID: 995 1358 1529
Passcode: 166491
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/abcJY8rsjv
301-Morning Yoga
This session is Open to:
All of Saybrook Community
Session Description
Jennifer DeDecker, an experienced and certified yoga instructor, will guide the Saybrook Community through a yoga flow each morning.
No previous experience is necessary.
Recommended: Casual-loose attire that will allow for free movement, a quiet spacious are for your practice, a yoga mat or large towel, and a bolster (or pillow).
Jenny DeDecker, Certified Yoga Instructor
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96283102958?pwd=Q2RaVE55N2JRVThBK2lVU0NSVDZMdz09
Meeting ID: 962 8310 2958
Passcode: 771401
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/abYBDvrnIS
304-What's Top of Mind? TOPIC: Purposeful Work
This session is Open to:
All of Saybrook Community
Session Description
Topic: Purposeful Work:
Question: How is your work purposeful?
There is an endless list of topics impacting business and leaders of organizations and community events. This session allows us to consider these topics from multiple business and leadership lenses. The topic of the day focuses on Sustainability (Tuesday), Purposeful Work (Wednesday), the Future of Work (Thursday) and Equity (Friday)
We invite Saybrook staff and students into the conversation, to tackle gnarly issues with no easy answers.
We believe the wisdom will be in the room for possibility.
Dr. Ratcliff; Dr. Willard
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/4272625417
Meeting ID: 427 262 5417
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aeeAAJZkLe
306-Introduction to Heuristic Inquiry
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This session is designed for students exploring heuristic inquiry and those enrolled in RES3090 this Fall. You will learn about the purpose of heuristic inquiry and the type of research questions that align with this method. In addition, the session will include an overview of the characteristics of heuristic inquiry, when you would use this method, the types of data you would collect, and the type of analysis you would conduct. Come with heuristic inquiry research ideas and questions.
Walker Ladd
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/91512350141
Meeting ID: 915 1235 0141
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
310-MBM 5510 Imagery and Health
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This experiential workshop is required for students taking MBM 5510 Imagery in Health. Participants will experience and practice various forms of imagery drawn from traditional healing practices and contemporary applications. By the end of the workshop, students will follow, create, and execute five variations of imagery practices. Students will also create a Vision Board/Soul Mandala which will be used throughout the course. This workshop is open to students who are not enrolled in MBM 5510, but they must commit to participate in both workshop days (new participants will not be admitted on Day 2.)
Kirwan Rockefeller, PhD; Luann Fortune, PhD.
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/94130991227?pwd=cEQwbUVEcW4xNzZTTmI4aHV3ZEFQQT09
Meeting ID: 941 3099 1227
Passcode: 845144
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aeaajcQH7g
309-Presentation Bootcamp
This session is Open to:
Only Students in the Applied Psychophysiology program.
Session Description
Required for all students in the Applied Psychophysiology Program. This is a practice session for students who are expected to be able to give professional presentations prior to graduation. Short lectures, posters or other presentations make for a great day of feedback and peer interaction.
Willmarth, Sherman, Kerson, DeVore
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/4439773353
Meeting ID: 443 977 3353
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aN7b8BVJv
307-Research and Dissertation Open Session
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
Do you have questions about the research curriculum or dissertation process? Do you want to better understand the relationship between RES3500 and your advanced methods course choice? Following our Monday Advanced Methods and Dissertation RC sessions, do you want to continue the discussion about how to align your research question to a research method or how to select a committee member? Or, do you have another research-related topic you'd like to discuss with the Research faculty? This session will be tailored to the interest and needs of attendees.
Laura Brewer, Research Faculty (TBD)
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/93257433332
Meeting ID: 932 5743 3332
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
308-MBM 5655 Mindfulness, Meditation, and Health
This session is Open to:
Only Students Enrolled in MBM/CSIH 5655
Session Description
In this virtual experience, participants will learn formal and informal mindfulness practices that potentiate intentional mindful living. Distinguishing between mindfulness, meditation, and relaxation, participants will practice and discuss several mindfulness skills involving the sensory, cognitive, and emotional domains. Participants will experience immersion in several mindfulness practices with both personal and clinical applications. At completion, they will write a personal self-care prescription based on formal and informal mindfulness practices for use in their personal lives and professional work. This virtual workshop is required for those enrolled in MBM 5655 in Fall 2022.
Donna Rockwell, PsyD; John Patterson, MD; O'Dell Johnson, PhD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
This session has restricted attendance. Please contact the presenter directly for the Zoom link.
302-Circle: Each Voice Matters
This session is Open to:
Only DBA, MBA, and PHD Students in the Department of Business and Leadership
Session Description
This tradition of Circle opens and closes each day. Each voice is heard. Reflection is invited. There are seven steps and each day holds a business and leadership focus.
Dr. Mary Kay Chess
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/5264061339
Meeting ID: 526 406 1339
Dial by your location
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aehpKYD07W
311-Introduction to TSC 6400: Ethics of Transformative Social Change-Thinking Like a Global Citizen
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
The session will provide an overview and introduction for TSC 6400 Ethics of Transformative Social Change. Course learning objectives, assignments, and expectations will be covered. The primary course themes will be reviewed and discussed with session participants. Students who are interested in finding out more about the course for future enrollments are invited to attend as well.
Joy Meeker
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09
Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813
Passcode: 756615
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adX3kt9FCL
312-CS/PSY-Creativity Studies Specialization Meeting
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
Updates for Creativity Studies students on course offerings and planning for the 2022-23 academic year. We will cover a variety of opportunities for student participation and expectations as we move forward for MA, PhD and MA to PhD curriculum.
Robert Cleve, PhD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/9272042932
Meeting ID: 927 204 2932
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ablLEFIDYl
313-CSIH/PSY- CSIH Specialization Meeting: A Conversation with Richard Rudd, the Author of "The Gene Keys"
This session is Open to:
Psychology Students in the CSIH Specialization and Non-specialization degree program.
Session Description
Come and learn about the Gene Keys—a universal framework for personal, relational, and cultural transformation. Translated into over 17 languages worldwide, the Gene Keys and its related programs, practices, and books continues to help people all over the world in gaining deeper stability and balance in their lives, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Marina A. Smirnova; Richard Rudd
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/8433225304
Meeting ID: 843 322 5304
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
314-Isolation and Connection; Immanence and Transcendence: Where the Existential Meets the Transpersonal
This session is Open to:
Only Existential Humanistic Psychology (EHP) Specialization Students
Session Description
This is an in-person two hour proseminar for Humanistic Clinical Psychology students that will be also be set up as a Zoom presentation and meeting that is open to Humanistic Psychology students and others attending virtually, serving as a specialization meeting for EHP students. All are welcome. We will consider similarities and differences between existential and transpersonal psychology through discussing the paradox of ultimate isolation and interconnectedness/relatedness. We will also discuss how the dialectic between immanence (embedded/intrinsic sacred) and transcendence (expansive, ascendant sacred) impacts this paradox. For the clinical students, we will discuss how this relates to client spirituality issues.
Drake Spaeth, PsyD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/8427018646
Meeting ID: 842 701 8646
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/acaPL7dPD
212-What Do I Need to Lead?
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
We know the business challenges are complex, ever-changing and demanding. We also know leaders are part of the solution. When we think of the challenges identified yesterday, what traits, behaviors, skills, processes and values might leaders in business need to make a difference?
Dr. Mary Kay Chess; Dr. Marsha Willard
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/4272625417
Meeting ID: 427 262 5417
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aeeAAJZkLe
318-CS/CSIH/EHP/PSY- Arts Based Inquiry: An Introduction
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This session will be the introduction to our CS3010 course Arts Based Inquiry (ABI) for Fall 2022. We will cover the basic concepts for ABI as a research design option under the broader heading of Qualitative Methodology. Although a specific elective for Creativity Studies, all students will be welcomed to explore the course content with us and contemplate it’s potential utility for their own future research. This session is open, but also required for students in CS 3010.
Robert A. Cleve, PhD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/9272042932
Meeting ID: 927 204 2932
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ablLEFIDYl
317-CSIH/PSY- Consciousness, Quantum Entanglement, and Environments, PART 1
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This is a two-part offering: PART 1 is on Wednesday, AUGUST 31st, 1:30pm-3:30pm (PDT; Session #317), and PART 2 is on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1:30pm-3:30pm (PDT; Session #427). Students are invited to attend one of the two parts or both. These two sessions provide an interdisciplinary exploration of consciousness, quantum entanglement, innermost and external environments, and epigenetic considerations. In addition, they include optional experiential exercises and hold an imaginal space-time for contemplating questions of transcendence and psi phenomena, such as remote viewing and extrasensory perception.
Sean Hinton; Marina A. Smirnova
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/8433225304
Meeting ID: 843 322 5304
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
305-What is Your Proposal?
This session is Open to:
Only PhD and DBA Students
Session Description
If you are considering a research question, a project topic or a methodology, this Open Space is for you. You will have a chance to connect with faculty serving on dissertation committees, alums who have completed dissertations and are continuing to thrive, and alums with businesses up and running as a result of their engagement in the Department of Business and Leadership.
Dr. Mary Kay Chess; Dr. Patty Neil; Dr. Lynetta Dumas; Dr. Megan Ratcliffe.
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/5264061339
Meeting ID: 526 406 1339
Dial by your location
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aehpKYD07W
323-TSC Student Academic Support Meeting
This session is Open to:
Only Transformative Social Change (TSC) MA and PhD students.
Session Description
This session is designed to enhance the Transformative Social Change (TSC) Department Academic Support process, which involves monthly meetings during the fall and spring semesters. We will discuss tangible steps to support academic success for the upcoming semester. This session is open to Transformative Social Change students only.
Joel Federman and Joy Meeker
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09
Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813
Passcode: 756615
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adX3kt9FCL
325-Publishing- “Publish or Perish vs. Go Public or Perish”
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
This seminar explores the age-old tradition of publishing as an academic professional, toward the achievement of tenure in higher education institutions. The current thinking references the idea of “going public” through a variety of venues in addition to supporting the previous processes of disseminating critical thinking and research through peer-reviewed journals. Join us for a lively discussion and how authors from the field of Creativity are navigating this journey.
Steve Pritzker, PhD; Robert A. Cleve, PhD; Melinda Rothouse, PhD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/9272042932
Meeting ID: 927 204 2932
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ablLEFIDYl
326-Introduction to Descriptive Phenomenology
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
This session is designed for students exploring descriptive (existential) phenomenology and those who intend to enroll in RES3130 next Spring. You will learn about the purpose of descriptive (existential) phenomenology and the type of research questions that align with this method. In addition, the session will include an overview of the characteristics of descriptive (existential) phenomenology research, when you would use this method, the types of data you would collect, and the type of analysis you would conduct. Come with descriptive (existential) phenomenology ideas and questions.
Marc Applebaum
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/93685800664
Meeting ID: 936 8580 0664
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
328-Introduction to TSC 6530 Social Impact Media: Stories of Change
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
This session will provide an introduction to Introduction to TSC 6530 Social Impact Media: Stories of Change. The aim of this course is to empower students to analyze and deconstruct media narratives and to recognize their use of visual and aural language constructs to develop and elicit empathy from the viewer. Students will critically analyze the cultural and societal influences on narrative and the importance of story to unite cultures and trigger social change. Students will apply this critical awareness to distinguish and classify storytelling strategies as they connect to specific kinds of subject matter, approach, types of media, and expected goals or outcomes.
Toni Bell
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/3339843961
Meeting ID: 333 984 3961
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/abXgjMMf8I
327-Research and Dissertation Open Session
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Do you have questions about the research curriculum or dissertation process? Do you want to better understand the relationship between RES3500 and your advanced methods course choice? Following our Monday Advanced Methods and Dissertation RC sessions, do you want to continue the discussion about how to align your research question to a research method or how to select a committee member? Or, do you have another research-related topic you'd like to discuss with the Research faculty? This session will be tailored to the interest and needs of attendees.
Laura Brewer, Research Faculty (TBD)
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/93257433332
Meeting ID: 932 5743 3332
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
329-APH Town Hall Meeting
This session is Open to:
Only APH Students and Faculty
A highlight of every RC, this is an optional meeting for all APH students and faculty to spend time together for sharing, brainstorming and fellowship. Bring your best ideas and your favorite beverage for a great evening!
APH Faculty
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/4439773353
Meeting ID: 443 977 3353
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aN7b8BVJv
330-CS/CSIH/PSY- Creativity, Spirituality, and Longevity: The Way of the Innovation, PART 1
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This is a two-part offering: PART 1 is on Wednesday, AUGUST 31st, 5:00pm-7:00pm (PDT; Session #330), and PART 2 is on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 1st, 3:30pm-5:30pm (PDT; Session #431). Students are invited to attend one of the two parts or both. These two CS/CSIH/PSY sessions provide an interdisciplinary exploration of creativity, spirituality, and vibrant longevity through the lenses of innovation and embodiment. They consider creativity-and-spirituality as a personal-and-research journey and, further, explore and contemplate how we, humans, innovate toward enhancing our lives through it. Each of the two sessions includes optional experiential exercises.
Marina A. Smirnova; Robert Cleve; Sean Hinton
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/8433225304
Meeting ID: 843 322 5304
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
401-Morning Yoga
This session is Open to:
All of Saybrook Community
Session Description
Jennifer DeDecker, an experienced and certified yoga instructor, will guide the Saybrook Community through a yoga flow each morning.
No previous experience is necessary.
Recommended: Casual-loose attire that will allow for free movement, a quiet spacious are for your practice, a yoga mat or large towel, and a bolster (or pillow).
Jenny DeDecker, Certified Yoga Instructor
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96283102958?pwd=Q2RaVE55N2JRVThBK2lVU0NSVDZMdz09
Meeting ID: 962 8310 2958
Passcode: 771401
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/abYBDvrnIS
406-Introduction to Autoethnography
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
This session is designed for students exploring autoethnography and those who may enroll in RES3120 in the Spring. You will learn about the purpose of autoethnograpy and the type of research questions that align with this method. In addition, the session will include an overview of the characteristics of autoethnograpy, when you would use this method, the types of data you would collect, and the type of analysis you would conduct. Come with autoethnography research ideas and questions.
Walker Ladd
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/95987149382
Meeting ID: 959 8714 9382
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
404-What's Top of Mind? TOPIC: The Future of Work
This session is Open to:
All of Saybrook Community
Session Description
Topic: The Future of Work
Question: What is the future of work?
There is an endless list of topics impacting business and leaders of organizations and community events. This session allows us to consider these topics from multiple business and leadership lenses. The topic of the day focuses on Sustainability (Tuesday), Purposeful Work (Wednesday), the Future of Work (Thursday) and Equity (Friday) . We invite Saybrook staff and students into the conversation, to tackle gnarly issues with no easy answers. We believe the wisdom will be in the room for possibility.
Dr. Ratcliff; Dr. Willard
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/4272625417
Meeting ID: 427 262 5417
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aeeAAJZkLe
407-Introduction to Experimental, Comparative, and Correlational Research
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
This session is designed for students exploring advanced quantitative methods, those enrolled in RES3060 this Fall, or those who intend to take RES3070 next Spring. You will learn about the purpose of various types of quantitative research and the type of research questions that align with these methods. In addition, the session will include an overview of the characteristics of different types of quantitative research, when you would use these methods, the types of data you would collect, and the type of analysis you would conduct. Come with experimental, comparative, and correlational research ideas and questions.
Keri Heitner
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/92056049317
Meeting ID: 920 5604 9317
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
408-Research and Dissertation Open Session
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Do you have questions about the research curriculum or dissertation process? Do you want to better understand the relationship between RES3500 and your advanced methods course choice? Following our Monday Advanced Methods and Dissertation RC sessions, do you want to continue the discussion about how to align your research question to a research method or how to select a committee member? Or, do you have another research-related topic you'd like to discuss with the Research faculty? This session will be tailored to the interest and needs of attendees.
Laura Brewer, Research Faculty (TBD)
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/93257433332
Meeting ID: 932 5743 3332
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
402-Circle: Each Voice Matters
This session is Open to:
Only DBA, MBA, and PHD Students in the Department of Business and Leadership
Session Description
This tradition of Circle opens and closes each day. Each voice is heard. Reflection is invited. There are seven steps and each day holds a business and leadership focus.
Dr. Mary Kay Chess
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/5264061339
Meeting ID: 526 406 1339
Dial by your location
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aehpKYD07W
410-Intermediate Biofeedback/Psychophysiological Recording
This session is Open to:
Only Students enrolled in either Intermediation Biofeedback or Psychophysiological Recording Courses
Required for all students who will be taking either the Intermediate Biofeedback or the Psychophysiological Recording courses.
Cynthia Kerson, PhD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/5775075064
Meeting ID: 577 507 5064
412-MBM 5510 Imagery and Health
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
This experiential workshop is required for students taking MBM 5510 Imagery in Health. Participants will experience and practice various forms of imagery drawn from traditional healing practices and contemporary applications. By the end of the workshop, students will follow, create, and execute five variations of imagery practices. Students will also create a Vision Board/Soul Mandala which will be used throughout the course. This workshop is open to students who are not enrolled in MBM 5510, but they must commit to participating in both workshop days (new participants will not be admitted on Day 2.)
Kirwan Rockefeller, PhD; Luann Fortune, PhD.
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/94130991227?pwd=cEQwbUVEcW4xNzZTTmI4aHV3ZEFQQT09
Meeting ID: 941 3099 1227
Passcode: 845144
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aeaajcQH7g
411-MBM 5655 Mindfulness, Meditation, and Health
This session is Open to:
Only Students enrolled in MBM 5655 or CSIH 5655 Mindfulness, Meditation, & Health
In this virtual experience, participants will learn formal and informal mindfulness practices that potentiate intentional mindful living. Distinguishing between mindfulness, meditation and relaxation, participants will practice and discuss several mindfulness skills involving the sensory, cognitive and emotional domains. Participants will experience immersion in several mindfulness practices with both personal and clinical applications. At completion, they will write a personal self-care prescription based on formal and informal mindfulness practices for use in their personal lives and professional work. This virtual workshop is required for those enrolled in MBM 5655 in Fall 2022.
Donna Rockwell, PsyD; John Patterson, MD; O'Dell Johnson, PhD.
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
This session has restricted attendance. Please contact the presenter directly for the Zoom link.
417-CSIH/PSY- The Dream Arc: Unleashing the Imaginative Wisdom of the Right-Brain
This session is Open to:
All Students from All programs
Introducing the Dream Arc—a new learning methodology that enhances our creativity and intuition and brings a powerful balance to the way we, humans, learn. The Dream Arc explores the power of animal symbolism, enhancing dream recall and training us to think at a mythic level. No matter what field you are in, the Dream Arc will bring deeper coherence to your understanding, as well as to your life as a whole.
Marina A. Smirnova; Richard Rudd; and Rosy Aronson
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/8433225304
Meeting ID: 843 322 5304
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
414-Saving Democracy: Social Justice Visions, Community Organizing, and Electoral Politics (Session 1 of 3)
This session is Open to:
Entire Saybrook Community
This seminar will explore the intersection of social justice values, community organizing, and electoral politics. It will bring together students, faculty, and those involved in community organizing and electoral politics to discuss the ways in which people can translate a social justice vision and values into practice.
TSC Faculty Member Toni Bell
Carmen Castillo, City Council Member, Providence, Rhode Island
Nancy Pearson, Former City Councilor, Portsmouth, NH, and TSC PhD student
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09
Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813
Passcode: 756615
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adX3kt9FCL
419-Fostering Creativity at Work
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Creativity has become one of the most desirable qualities of the 21st century. Organizations recognize that they must innovate to survive and thrive, yet they are often at a loss for how to spark and support creativity at work. This two-hour workshop blends theory with practice to deepen your understanding and hone your skills at cultivating individual, group, and organizational creativity. Bring your favorite art supplies, writing implements, curiosity, creativity-at-work questions, and sense of adventure!
Dorianne Cotter-Lockard, PhD; Jeannel King
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/6628735725?pwd=RDdhZnE1ZlM1MnR2dGNZSlJzalA0QT09
418-CS/CSIH/EHP/PSY- Retrieving Your Authentic Self: A Multimodal Expressive Arts Workshop
This session is Open to:
All Students from All programs
Do you remember a time in your life when you really felt "Authentically You"? Doing what you love in the moment that which truly excites and inspires you? Engaged Creatively and in Self Expression? In a place or community where you sense a particular resonance, or a particular quality of relationship with others? Search for a photograph of yourself at that time and bring it to our workshop. We will engage in practices of Embodied Imagination and the Multimodal Expressive Arts as each of us works with the intention of "retrieving the authentic self" in order to open the possibility for your Authentic Self to always Accompany you as you continue along your Path.
Wendy Phillips, PhD; REAT, REACE
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/92550944093
415-CS/CSIH/EHP/PSY-The Experience of being “in the pocket”: An Experiential Musical Journey
This session is Open to:
All Students from All programs
This presentation is rooted in my personal dissertation research work which explores the musical phenomenon of a “being in the pocket” experience. Throughout this presentation we’ll examine specifically the “Pocket” experience but additionally your reactions to images, and emotions that Jazz, Blues, Reggae, and Funk may elicit.
Jeffrey Mims, MS
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/9272042932
Meeting ID: 927 204 2932
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ablLEFIDYl
413-Leaders & The Living Case Study
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This Living Case Study session will bring real leaders with real business issues to our work together. Listen to real business challenges that leaders are currently tackling. Work in virtual consulting teams to uncover the hidden challenges and perspectives of the presented issues, with the goal of discovering more questions, unearthing possible solutions and finding real world applications of the experience. This is a live business consulting gig and ALL leaders are encouraged to attend.
Dr. Marsha Willard; Dr. Megan Ratcliffe
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/4272625417
Meeting ID: 427 262 5417
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aeeAAJZkLe
421-TSC Student Lunch Meeting
This session is Open to:
Only TSC Students
This lunch meeting is an informal gathering for all TSC students to meet and have a virtual lunch together. It will be hosted by the TSC Peer Mentors.
Hosted by TSC Peer Mentors, Led by J Marie, Johnson, Kola
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09
Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813
Passcode: 756615
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adX3kt9FCL
423-Film and Photography as Modalities for Autoethnographic Inquiry
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
In this workshop, Film Director, Tony Romero and Photographer, Psychologist, and Film Producer, Wendy Phillips will share examples of their experiences of their own Auto-Ethnographic work using the modalities of film and still photography. They will present and discuss examples of methods which incorporate filmmaking and photography which may be used in Autoethnographic Research. Students will identify a question which is related to their personal research interests and will begin to imagine and plan a method and related practices in which they may engage as first steps in planning their own research projects. This process aligns well with Arts Based Inquiry/Research as a design option.
Wendy Phillips, PhD; Tony Romero, Film Director
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/92550944093
426-Exploring The Anomalous in Psychedelic Therapy, from Neurodivergence to the Transpersonal
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Now that the psychedelic renaissance has found its way out of the birth canal and enters its childhood there is an ever-increasing need for psychedelic psychotherapy, integration, sitting, welfare and aftercare. While many therapists and counsellors are well equipped to provide containers and practice for processing the autobiographical material that arises there a number of unique dimensions to the transpersonal nature of psychedelics that warrant special attention and treatment. This talk explores some of the range of transpersonal experiences that may arise, their ontological complexities and challenges, and the metaphysical shifts that may arise. Some consideration will also be given to the nature of neurodivergence and the use of psychedelics. Topics likely to be covered include inter-species communication, eco-consciousness, mediumship, possession, entity encounters, near-death and out-of-body experiences, psi, alien abduction experiences and lycanthropy, alongside blindness, aphantasia, synaesthesia, HPPD and autism/ASD.
David Luke, PhD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/8427018646
Meeting ID: 842 701 8646
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/acaPL7dPD
425-Navigating the Creative Wilderness
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
How do we find our way through the creative wilderness when we get stuck, experience blocks, lose our inspiration, or feel we are on the verge of giving up? This can be one of the most challenging aspects of the creative process. The good news: it turns out this is a very normal and natural part of the journey, one that can actually lead to deeper inspiration and engagement with our work. Join Melinda Rothouse, Ph.D. to learn how to navigate your way through creative despair to realize your creative visions.
Melinda Rothouse, PhD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/9272042932
Meeting ID: 927 204 2932
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ablLEFIDYl
427-CSIH/PSY- Consciousness, Quantum Entanglement, and Environments, PART 2.
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
This is a two-part offering: PART 1 is on Wednesday, AUGUST 31st, 1:30pm-3:30pm (PDT; Session #317), and PART 2 is on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 1st, 1:30pm-3:30pm (PDT; Session #427). Students are invited to attend one of the two parts or both. These two sessions provide an interdisciplinary exploration of consciousness, quantum entanglement, innermost and external environments, and epigenetic considerations. In addition, they include optional experiential exercises and hold an imaginal space-time for contemplating questions of transcendence and psi phenomena, such as remote viewing and extrasensory perception.
Sean Hinton; Marina A. Smirnova
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/8433225304
Meeting ID: 843 322 5304
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
429-Saving Democracy: Social Justice Visions, Community Organizing, and Electoral Politics (Session 2 of 3)
This session is Open to:
Entire Saybrook Community
This seminar will explore the intersection of social justice values, community organizing, and electoral politics. It will bring together students, faculty, and those involved in community organizing and electoral politics to discuss the ways in which people can translate a social justice vision and values into practice.
Kendra Davenport Cotton, Chief Operations Officer, New Georgia Project
Lawrence, Candidate for Ohio State Assembly
Prentiss Haney, Co-Executive Director of the Ohio Organizing Collaborative
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09
Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813
Passcode: 756615
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adX3kt9FCL
405-What is Your Proposal?
This session is Open to:
Only PhD and DBA Students
Session Description
If you are considering a research question, a project topic or a methodology, this Open Space is for you. You will have a chance to connect with faculty serving on dissertation committees, alums who have completed dissertations and are continuing to thrive, and alums with businesses up and running as a result of their engagement in the Department of Business and Leadership.
Dr. Mary Kay Chess; Dr. Patty Neil; Dr. Lynetta Dumas; Dr. Megan Ratcliffe.
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/5264061339
Meeting ID: 526 406 1339
Dial by your location
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aehpKYD07W
430-Introduction to Case Study Research Methods
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
This session is designed for students exploring case study research and those enrolled in RES3010 this Fall. You will learn about the purpose of case study research and the type of research questions that align with this method. In addition, the session will include an overview of the characteristics of case study research, when you would use this method, the types of data you would collect, and the type of analysis you would conduct. Come with case study research ideas and questions.
Randy Heinrich
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/91686667309
Meeting ID: 916 8666 7309
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
431-CS/CSIH/PSY-Creativity, Spirituality, and Longevity: The Way of the Innovation, PART 2
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
This is a two-part offering: PART 1 is on Wednesday, AUGUST 31st, 5:00pm-7:00pm (PDT; Session #227), and PART 2 is on Thursday, SEPTEMBER 1st, 3:30pm-5:30pm (PDT; Session #431). Students are invited to attend one of the two parts or both.
These two CS/CSIH/PSY sessions provide an interdisciplinary exploration of creativity, spirituality, and vibrant longevity through the lenses of innovation and embodiment. They consider creativity-and-spirituality as a personal-and-research journey and, further, explore and contemplate how we, humans, innovate toward enhancing our lives through it. Each of the two sessions includes optional experiential exercises.
Marina A. Smirnova; Robert Cleve; and Sean Hinton
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/8433225304
Meeting ID: 843 322 5304
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
432-Research and Dissertation Open Session
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Do you have questions about the research curriculum or dissertation process? Do you want to better understand the relationship between RES3500 and your advanced methods course choice? Following our Monday Advanced Methods and Dissertation RC sessions, do you want to continue the discussion about how to align your research question to a research method or how to select a committee member? Or, do you have another research-related topic you'd like to discuss with the Research faculty? This session will be tailored to the interest and needs of attendees.
Laura Brewer, Research Faculty (TBD)
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/93257433332
Meeting ID: 932 5743 3332
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
433-CS/CSIH/EHP/PSY- Foundations in Neurotheology: From Philosophical to Practical
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
This presentation will review the foundations of the emerging field of neurotheology. This field studies the relationship between the brain and religious and spiritual phenomena. It uses a combination of scientific, neuroimaging, psychological, spiritual, and philosophical approaches. This presentation will review the latest findings from brain scans of people in deep meditation or spiritual practice. We will review the findings from extensive questionnaires about the variety of spiritual experiences. Neurotheology also helps address fundamental philosophical and theological questions as well as yields important practical and clinical information to foster human health and well-being.
Andrew Newberg, MD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/8427018646
Meeting ID: 842 701 8646
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/acaPL7dPD
501-Morning Yoga
This session is Open to:
All of Saybrook Community
Session Description
Jennifer DeDecker, an experienced and certified yoga instructor, will guide the Saybrook Community through a yoga flow each morning.
No previous experience is necessary.
Recommended: Casual-loose attire that will allow for free movement, a quiet spacious are for your practice, a yoga mat or large towel, and a bolster (or pillow).
Jenny DeDecker, Certified Yoga Instructor
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96283102958?pwd=Q2RaVE55N2JRVThBK2lVU0NSVDZMdz09
Meeting ID: 962 8310 2958
Passcode: 771401
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/abYBDvrnIS
504-What's Top of Mind? TOPIC: Equity
This session is Open to:
All of Saybrook Community
Session Description
Topic: Equity
How is equity work impacting you and the people around you in your work and organization?
There is an endless list of topics impacting business and leaders of organizations and community events. This session allows us to consider these topics from multiple business and leadership lenses. The topic of the day focuses on Sustainability (Tuesday), Purposeful Work (Wednesday), the Future of Work (Thursday) and Equity (Friday) We invite Saybrook staff and students into the conversation, to tackle gnarly issues with no easy answers. We believe the wisdom will be in the room for possibility.
Dr. Ratcliff; Dr. Willard
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/4272625417
Meeting ID: 427 262 5417
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aeeAAJZkLe
505-Dissection Lab: The Brain
This session is Open to:
Only Students in the Applied Psychophysiology Program or Specialization
This is required for all APH students who have not attended a prior brain dissection lab. Work on your own dissection kits at home while watching live demonstrations by APH faculty. Really good stuff!
Cynthia Kerson, PhD; Richard Sherman, PhD.
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/9893241215?pwd=VTQzQ3FiTG5uUGM2dXlEK05obVZ6dz09
Meeting ID: 989 324 1215
Passcode: 449994
502-Circle: Each Voice Matters
This session is Open to:
Only DBA, MBA, and PHD Students in the Department of Business and Leadership
Session Description
This tradition of Circle opens and closes each day. Each voice is heard. Reflection is invited. There are seven steps and each day holds a business and leadership focus.
Dr. Mary Kay Chess
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/5264061339
Meeting ID: 526 406 1339
Dial by your location
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/aehpKYD07W
503-Mentor Petitions - Get Help with Your Petition to Form Dissertation Committee (PTFDC)
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
This session will provide an introduction to our new online submission and review system for academic petitions, such as the petition to form the dissertation committee (PTFDC) and the petition for the external dissertation committee. Mentor Petitions is built off the same platform that the Saybrook IRB uses for the submission and review of IRB applications. Come learn a little more about how to use our new system for filing petitions.
Laura Brewer, Kirwan Rockefeller.
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96114801473
Meeting ID: 961 1480 1473
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
Town Hall with Vice President of Academic Affairs, Dr. Robyn Parker
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
Session Description
This student-centric session provides an opportunity to speak with Provost Robyn Parker. It will feature a facilitated conversation about the purpose and structure of the Residential Conference: past, present, and future. Student input will be used in (re)visioning the experience. There will be time for general Q & A and perspective-sharing.
Faculty Facilitators
Requirement for Program
Yes - Required for all Students
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/97517773211
Meeting ID: 975 1777 3211
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adzwTmHiQM
Diversity Luncheon -Liberation Psychology: Addressing the Wounds of Racism an Afternoon with Dr. Thema Bryant, APA President
This session is Open to:
All of Saybrook Community
Session Description
This presentation will illuminate ways the field of psychology can serve communities who live with the psychological effects of racism. Insights from liberation psychology will be presented. The training will encompass both theory and practical application of anti-racism therapy, teaching, and student service. The presentation also touches on sustainability, self-care, and community-care as clinicians may be affected by vicarious trauma when working with clients in the aftermath of or continued exposure to racial trauma.
Dr. Thema Bryant, APA President, 2022
About Dr. Thema Bryant
Bryant served as president of the Society for the Psychology of Women (APA Div. 35) in 2010. From 2000-2004, she was the APA representative to the United Nations. She has also been chair of the APA Committee on International Relations in Psychology and served as an associate editor of the APA journal Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
In addition to directing the lab, she is a professor of psychology. Her clinical and research interests center on interpersonal trauma and the societal trauma of oppression. She provides national and international training on trauma recovery for marginalized communities and serves as the vice president and racial equity officer for her neighborhood council in Los Angeles.
Bryant has authored more than 50 academic publications and is editor of the books “Multicultural Feminist Therapy: Helping Adolescent Girls of Color to Thrive” and “Womanist and Mujerista Psychologies: Voices of Fire, Acts of Courage.”
Bryant received her doctorate in clinical psychology from Duke University, where she also earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees. She also has a master of divinity degree from Pepperdine and is an ordained elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Church. She directs the mental health ministry at First AME Church in South Los Angeles.
Her professional awards include the APA Award for Distinguished Early Career Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest; the Donald Fridley Memorial Award for excellence in mentoring in the field of trauma from the Institute of Violence, Abuse and Trauma; and the California Psychological Association’s Distinguished Scientific Achievement in Psychology Award.
You can find out more about Dr. Bryant here.
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/99249874467?pwd=NTU2a1B2QnNLUUNpa0c5bnpZZjhZdz09
Meeting ID: 992 4987 4467
Passcode: 299841
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/abmec5FLCu
508-Saving Democracy: Social Justice Visions, Community Organizing, and Electoral Politics (Session 3 of 3)
This session is Open to:
Entire Saybrook Community
This seminar will explore the intersection of social justice values, community organizing, and electoral politics. It will bring together students, faculty, and those involved in community organizing and electoral politics to discuss the ways in which people can translate a social justice vision and values into practice.
Seminar Keynote Speaker: California
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96859674813?pwd=UjNWNmJ2MVJBc01FcE5lcmFzTy93UT09
Meeting ID: 968 5967 4813
Passcode: 756615
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/adX3kt9FCL
509-"Life, Love, and Death: A contemplative Inquiry"
This session is Open to:
Entire Saybrook Community
Drawing from the Indigenous Wisdom Tradition that is Zen, participants will explore The Nine Contemplations of Atisha, a portal of entry to meeting the inevitability of death and what is important to us in the light of our mortality. The practice invites us to gently examine what we are doing in our life at this very moment and to see what is important for us to do in order to prepare for death. The nine contemplations come from Atisha, an eleventh-century Tibetan Buddhist scholar, who systematized the method for generating an enlightened mind. This workshop is grounded in the work of Buddhist Scholar and Teacher, Roshi Joan Halifax who based this practice on the work of Larry Rosenberg.
Gina Belton, PhD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96697407314?pwd=QnNiTWtabzA5VG15RVJtTUJsT01hdz09
Meeting ID: 966 9740 7314
Passcode: 202512
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ad0kFKClNr
324-Introduction to Narrative Inquiry
This session is Open to:
All Students from All Programs
This session is designed for students exploring autoethnography and narrative inquiry and those enrolled in RES3110 this Fall. You will learn about the purpose of narrative inquiry and the type of research questions that align with this method. In addition, the session will include an overview of the characteristics of narrative inquiry, when you would use this method, the types of data you would collect, and the type of analysis you would conduct. Come with narrative inquiry research ideas and questions.
Kennedy Maranga
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/99715543743
Meeting ID: 997 1554 3743
Dial by your location
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ajf88zUlF
511-CEOL Specialization Meeting
This session is Open to:
CEOL specialization students and any interested in learning more about the specialization
"The specialization program in Contemplative End of Life Care (CEOL) promotes integrative, mind-body-spirit, person-centered approaches to palliative and end-of-life care. The curriculum prepares students with the professional capacities essential to provide emotional, spiritual, and practical care for individuals and their families living with life-limiting and terminal illnesses. All are welcome to join current CEOL students to learn about what this specialization has to offer and observe what visions are coming forward for them in their collaborative work ahead."
Gina Belton, PhD
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information
ZOOM LINK: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/j/96039004646?pwd=NkFua09ld2dkWlFzL2dqWUt3aU91dz09
Meeting ID: 960 3900 4646
Passcode: 519214
Dial by your location
+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Find your local number: https://tcsedsystem.zoom.us/u/ab7UGX4hi8
510-MBM 0505 Mind-Body-Spirit Integration Seminar
This session is Open to:
Only Students Enrolled in MBM and ISW Programs
The Mind-Body-Spirit Integration (MBSI) Seminar is organized around a series of lectures, experiential exercises, and small group sessions that are led by expert facilitators. Students will be introduced to the research and principles supporting the use of mind-body-spirit practices and self-care. Throughout the sessions, students will practice the skills, discuss their experiences within the group, and discover ways to integrate these approaches personally and professionally.
The MBSI is a requirement for the Mind-Body Medicine and Integrative Social Work degrees programs. New students are expected to participate in the first semester and attend all sessions. The seminar is offered at the start of the semester for two consecutive days (virtual for 7 hours) and continues every Saturday for four weeks (via 4-hour virtual sessions). Virtual sessions are held via Zoom.
Selena Vega, PhD; Cliff Smyth, PhD; Shannon Sims, PhD; Valerie Worthington, PhD; Annette Anderson-Engler, PhD; Mark Arcuri, PhD.
Requirement for Program
Session Number
Zoom Session Information:
This session has restricted attendance. Please contact the presenter directly for the Zoom link.
Session Evaluations
Please evaluate each session you attend here