A Vision of Home

Thu, Apr 18, 2024

09:00 AM - 12:00 PM MDT

The Edmonton Interfaith Housing Society is made up of leaders from different religious and spiritual communities in Edmonton and area who share a commitment to eliminate houselessness in our community. This will be our first in-person plenary since COVID-19, and we are excited to come together again. Refreshments will be provided.

Our keynote speaker this year will be Lewis Cardinal. Lewis is a communicator and educator who has dedicated his life’s work to creating and maintaining connections and relationships that cross cultural divides. He is a Trustee for the Parliament of the World’s Religions and Project Manager for “kihcihkaw askî–Sacred Land” in the City of Edmonton – the first designated urban Indigenous ceremony grounds in Canada. Lewis’ talk is entitled “More Than a Place to Sleep: Life, Love, and Relationship.”

Please join us to learn and to connect with other leaders who want to see a home for everyone in Edmonton. Together, we can end houselessness in our community.

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